LimnoTech Draft Report on Phase 2 Technical Activities available for review

LimoTech’s draft report on Phase 2 Technical Activities is available for review.

The Technical Track Work group briefly discussed the report during the June 3rd work group meeting.  The group agreed that they had not had enough time to thoroughly review the document or the comments that have been submitted. Therefore, the review period has been extended.

Please review the report and send any comments to Kara Whitman at (Ruckelshaus Center) no later than c.o.b June 16th.  Kara will compile the comments and post to the Task Force website for Task Force review at the June Task Force meeting.

–  SRRTTF_Phase_2_Draft_Report_2015_05_20
–  LimoTech Synoptic Report Comments_Spokane County Utilities
–  Limnotech-report-comments-spokane-county-utilities-2