Green Chemistry: Conference Call to discuss Road Paint Pilot

When: Friday December 1, 2017 10:00 am

Where:  Conference call information:

(360) 407-3780
PIN Code: 470351 #
  1. Additional information from a phone-con between Doug Krapas and Michael Jung, Thermoplastic Division Manager at SWARCO Industries regarding a diarylide-free yellow thermoplastic that has been on the Florida test deck since October 2015.
  2. Arrange for a conference call with SWARCO?
  3. Discuss what we have heard so far and evaluate a path forward:
    1. Perform a pilot study or do nothing and turn over to WA DOT and DES to evaluate?
  4. If we decide to move forward with some study, what might it look like:
    1. Simple evaluation of various products for PCB content using 1668?
    2. More detailed breakdown of product components (i.e.: Hydroseed type study)?
    3. Product performance evaluation…Test Deck?
  5. Next Steps