SSB 6086 | Thank You Message Template to Legislators

Per the request at the SRRTTF meeting on March 25, here is a template for a thank-you message to Senators Billig and Ericksen (email addresses below), co-sponsors of the state legislation that “Requires the Department of Enterprise Services to establish purchasing and procurement policies that provide for a preference for products and products in packaging that do not contain polychlorinated biphenyls.” More information on the bill >

NOTE: please consider tailoring the message to reflect your own (or your organization’s) style or tone or “voice” – identical messages are usually not as impactful as individual ones.

Dear Senator Billig/Ericksen,

On behalf of the ______________ (insert entity name) and the people and environment of the northwest, thank you for your leadership in getting SSB 6086 approved by the Washington state legislature. As active participants in the efforts of the Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force—an innovative group of diverse organizations collaborating and leading efforts to find and reduce PCBs and dioxins in the Spokane River and Lake Spokane—we recognize that this is an important step forward for our great state in addressing water quality, human health, and other vital issues.