The next Fish Work Group meeting will be a conference call:
Wednesday, May 16th, 2018
10 am – 12 pm
Spokane Biofilm Locations
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
10:00 am | Pacific Daylight Time (San Francisco, GMT-07:00) | 2 hrs
Join by phone
+1-240-454-0887 US Toll
Toll Free
Meeting number (access code): 802 818 274
Meeting password: Spokane2018
Agenda: Objective 1. Design a study (data/models) that will further our understanding of what is causing the PCB concentrations in fish that we are observing in the river. Determine the source(s) and avenues of exposure so that we can focus future efforts on controls that will likely lead to a reduction in concentrations of PCBs in fish tissue.
Meeting Documents: