2013 SRRTTF Year in Review

2013 Year in Review 

Number of Meetings in 2013

Task Force Meetings: 15
Funding Work Group Meetings: 7
Technical Track Work Group Meetings: 9

January 2013:
The Taskforce holds 1 taskforce meeting in January 2013.

January 18: The Administrative and Contracting Entity (ACE) met for the first time. The purpose of ACE is to facilitate and support the administrative and contracting aspects of the Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force. In January the group discussed By-Laws, technical consultants contracts, budget and funding.

January 30:  Public Information Officers attend the Task Force meeting.  PIOs provide outreach/communication suggestions and next steps to be taken for communication and outreach are identified.

February 2013:
The Task Force holds 3 meetings in February including a Task Force (SRRTTF) meeting, a Technical Track Work Group (TTWG) meeting, and a Funding Work Group meeting. The TTWG and the Funding work group meeting were jointly held.

February  14: In November of 2012 the Task Force solicits Statements of Qualifications and Proposals from qualified technical consultants to assist the Task Force as an independent community technical advisor. In February of 2013 the scope of work and contract with the technical Consultant LimnoTech was approved. The technical consultant provided the following expertise in 2013:

  • Collection, review, and gap analysis of available Spokane River data
  • Created conceptual model for further study of the Spokane River
  • Development of Quality Assurance Project Plan, Sampling Analysis Plan, and Standard Operating Procedures.

February 27: The Task Force approves a Funding Fact Sheet requesting $350,000 in matching Ecology funding during the next biennium to determine the extent of the cleanup required and to act upon the recommendations of the technical adviser (LimnoTech) to implement cleanup methods towards meeting applicable water quality standards.

March 2013:
The Task Force holds 1 Funding Work Group meeting in March 2013.

April 2013:

The Task Force holds 4 meetings in April 2013 including two Task Force (SRRTTF) meetings, a Technical Track Work Group (TTWG) meeting, and a Funding Work Group meeting. The TTWG and the Funding work group meeting were jointly held.

April 3: The technical advisor, LimnoTech, gave a presentation to the full Task Force on the proposed activities in phases two through four of the scope of work. The Funding Work Group elected Co-Chairs Tom Agnew and Mike Peterson.

April 24: The Task Force approves the Conflict of Interest Flow Chart  for Public Notification Regarding Conflict of Interest Inquiries. The Task Force also approves the use and modification as needed of the outreach presentation and presentation script developed by the Task Force PIOs. The Task Force also approves the phase 1 work of the technical advisor, LimnoTech, as completed.

May 2013:
The Task Force holds 4 meetings in May 2013 including two Technical Track Work Group meetings, one Funding Work Group meeting and one Task Force meeting. The taskforce also held one conference call.

May 1: The Task Force approves a Funding Letter of Support  to the Washington State Legislature.

May 22: The Task Force sends a delegation to Olympia to meet with Maia Bellon, Governor Inslee’s staff and key legislatures. The SRRTTF also engages EPA on the issue of inadvertently produced PCBs. Media package is approved by Task Force including the PowerPoint presentation slides and script, SRRTTF Joint Key Messages, and SRRTTF Press Release Template.

June 2013:
The Task Force holds 3 meetings in June, 2013 including one Technical Track Work Group meeting, one Funding Work Group meeting, and one Task Force meeting.

June 26: Future Task Force meetings to be held in alternate in location between the Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District Office and the Water Resource Center. The Task Force approves a Funding Strategy Plan document (working document) with the purpose of helping the Task Force coordinate and support consistent and predictable funding needed to accomplish the actions that will result in toxics reductions for the Spokane River. The Task Force engages the EPA on the enforcement of current TSCA rules for manufacture and imports and on the proposed rulemaking.

The Task Force approves facilitation and project coordination services (Revised scope of work) of the Ruckelshaus Center for July 1,2013- June 30, 2014. Ecology entered into an interagency agreement with WSU/Ruckleshaus Center for SRRTTF facilitation services (2013- 2014).

City of Spokane presents their annual report “An Adaptive Management Plan for PCBs in Stormwater and Sediments- 2013 Annual Reports” and the City of Spokane Integrated Planning.

Task Force approves SRRTTF Funding Strategies document. The purpose of this document is to Coordinate and support the Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force  in providing consistent and predictable funding needed to accomplish the actions that will result in toxics reductions for the Spokane River.

July 2013:
The Task Force holds 1 Task Force meeting in July 2013.

July 24: LimnoTech updates (presentation and summary) the Task Force on their activities on phase 2-4 work and asks for feedback. The Task Force recommends that LimnoTech focus on PCBs and establish current conditions and to report back at the September Task Force meeting.

The Task Force sends letters of support for Doug Krapas and Rick Eichstaedt (Letter of Support Doug Krapas ; Letter of Support Rick Eichstaedt) to participate in the EPA TSCA rulemaking committee.

August 2013:
The Task Force holds 2 meetings in August 2013 including one Technical Track Work Group meeting and one Task Force meeting.

August 28: The EPA presents the Columbia River Toxics Reduction Strategy.

The Task Force approves Technical Consultant Work Products (LimnoTech) Task four (Data Acquisition)  and Task five (Data Review) completed. Task Force approves the scoping document, “Spokane River Basin Toxics Sampling and Research Interest Inquiry” to find out in what ways the Task Force can work with local Universities on sampling needs. (Technical Consultant Activities).

Task Force Technical Track Work Group identifies 3 topic areas (atmospheric deposition, stormwater and BioChar) to discuss with CEREO research teams from Washington State University and University of Idaho Faculty in Pullman WA.

September 2013:
The Task Force holds 3 meetings in September 2013 including one Technical Track Work Group Meeting, one Funding Work Group meeting, and one Task Force Meeting.  The Task Force also holds one conference call.

September 12 & 20: Task Force members meet with aerial deposition and stormwater researchers from the Center for Environmental Research, Education and Outreach discussing SRRTTF organization and goals, Spokane River and PCB WQ standards, current data on sources and impacts of aerial deposition, stormwater, and technical activities. Task Force members meet with BioChar researcher at WSU, tour facility and discuss partnership funding.

September 25 & 27: LimnoTech provides the Task Force with LimnoTech Progress Report on work done including Task 6 (Data Gap Identification) and Task 7 (Conceptual Modeling & Tools).  (Technical Consultant Activities)

The Task Force approves the Administrative and Contracting Entity (ACE) and Ecology to negotiate the SRRTTF Priority Work Plan for the 2013-1015 Biennium Budget Period and Final Contract.

The Task Force approves giving support to the City of Spokane’s Grant Application  for the grant “Stormwater Pollution Prevention: PCBs in Municipal Products”.

October 2013:
The Task Force holds 3 meetings in October 2013 including two Technical Track Work Group Meetings, and one Task Force Meeting.  

October 23: SRRTTF Technical Advisor LimnoTech provides and update on Tasks 6-8 of their scope of work. The Task Force approves Task 6 (Data Gaps Identification). The Task Force approves Task 7 (Conceptual Models).

Task Force approves letter requesting EPA implement a TSCA compliance monitoring program addressing manufacture and import of products containing PCBs. The Task Force asks the EPA increased enforcement of existing TSCA regulations and elimination of provisions under TSCA that allow the manufacture of products that inadvertently produce PCBs.

November 2013:
The Task Force holds 3 meetings in November 2013 including one Technical Track Work Group Meeting, one Funding Work Group meeting, and one Task Force Meeting.

Devon Seymour of Washington State University gives a presentation on the Undergraduate Multidisciplinary Research Challenge titled WSU “Saving the Spokane River”.

Adriane Borgias presents the input from SRRTTF on Ecology’s Measurable Progress and Combined Comments from Ecology Measurable Progress Listening Sessions.

The Task Force approves Technical Consultant (LimnoTech) Task 8 ( Initial Monitoring Strategy )

Task Force submits a request to legislature for $500K and Task Force members send letters of support for the funding request.

December 2013:
The Task Force holds 1 Task Force meeting in December 2013.

December 4-5: The Task Force holds the Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force (SRRTTF) Technical Monitoring Workshop at the WSDOT Eastern Region Headquarters. The workshop addresses experiences form other watersheds, source identification and reduction, QAPP and data management, modeling, and monitoring plans for loading assessment.

The Task Force discusses Department of Ecology EAP Requests FY2015 for water quality monitoring project. Proposal were requested at the November Task Force meeting. The Task Force prioritizes project requests that will be submitted to Ecology.

On-Going Related Activities in 2013:

–  April 15: Spokane County submits Spokane County Toxics Management Plan.

–  City of Spokane “An Adaptive Management Plan for PCBs in Stormwater and Sediments — Annual Report”.  The City of Spokane presented the annual report to the Taskforce at the June 26th Taskforce meeting. (presented the annual report)

SRRTTF members engaged in ongoing learning, outreach activities and presentations:

  • Spokane River Forum (March 2013)
  • Task Force provided funding of $650 for Dr. Christy (Scotland researcher)  to attend the Green Chemistry conference in D.C.(June 2013)
  • Waterkeepers Conference (June 2013)
  • NCASI (July 2013)
  • Legislative Briefing (July 2013)
  • Spokesman Review editorial board and article (July 2013 and November 2013)
  • Volunteer recruitment for Spokane River data collection activities (August 2013)
  • Meetings with WSU CEREO researchers (September 2013)
  • National Tribal Toxics Council (October 2013)
  • Community Indicators Initiative of Spokane (October 2013)
  • National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, NCASI (October 2013)
  • Participated in WSU Student challenge, “Saving the Spokane” (through April 2014)
  • Supported University of Iowa research into PCBs in consumer products and the environment (February 2013)
  • SRRTTF members participated in the Columbia River Toxics Working Group.

–  Ecology provided the following support services to the SRRTTF:

  • Spokane River and Fish Sampling (2012), published 2013.
  • Contract management (Technical Consultant, Ruckleshaus Center, and Legislative Proviso)
  • Awarded the City of Spokane a grant of statewide significance to study PCB in municipal products
  • Ecology’s EAP assisted with several projects: PCBs in Lake Spokane Carp and literature search for PCB impacts to groundwater.
  • Created a GIS planning map of potential PCB sources to the River
  • Initiated a Chemical Action Plan for PCB
  • Conducted limited product testing for inadvertently generated PCBs
  • Reopened the City Parcel PCB clean-up site for further investigation and remediation.

–  Avista continued its program to remove PCB-containing transformers from the Spokane River watershed.