March 28, 2016 Task Force Meeting (Conference Call)

The Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force will hold a meeting by conference call on Monday March 28th, 2016  from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. to consider the approval of Task Force response letter to the draft EPA Draft NPDES General Permit for Federal Aquaculture Facilities & Aquaculture Facilities Located in Indian Country Within the boundaries of the State of Washington.

Voting members of the Task Force are asked to call in, as we will need a quorum to make the formal approvalOther Task Force participants are welcome to call in with additional input or to listen and contribute to the call.

Please carefully read the attached response letter prior to the meeting. The letter is organized by a Background that explains the SRRTTF efforts, the request for a Toxics Management Plan, recommended BMPs, recommended reporting requirements, and  the encouragement for tribal participation in the SRRTTF.

Topics to be addressed at the meeting, in order, include:

  • Federal Hatchery Permit Comment LetterDecision: accept letter for submittal to EPA by full SRRTTF?
    –  SRRTTF-Comment-Letter_EPA-Draft-Permit-Hatcheries_03-29-16_Final
  • Federal TSCA “Monsanto Clause” Opportunity to Comment
  • Process for Reaching Agreement on “PCB Control Actions”: Does the Task Force anticipate additional meetings (either full SRRTTF or workgroup)?
Date: March 28, 2016
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Location: By Phone
Call In Number: (800)704-9804
Participant Code:
Meeting Documents:
–  SRRTTF 3.28.16 conference call FINAL DRAFT Summary
–  SRRTTF Comment Letter_EPA Draft Permit_Hatcheries_ 3.28.16 (Final Draft agreed upon during the meeting)