Upcoming meetings

Hi Task Force,

Happy New Year! Here is a list of upcoming work group meetings:

TSCA conference call: January 9 at 10 am
PMF conference call: January 10 at 10 am
Data Management conference call: January 10 at 3 pm
Education & Outreach: January 15 at 10 am at the Spokane County Water Resource Center, 1004 N. Freya St.
Green Chemistry: Tentatively targeting January 24 at 1 pm
Tech Track: February 5 at 10 am at the Department of Ecology office, 4601 N. Monroe St., 3rd floor
*All conference calls will use 641-715-0857, 723394# – contact lara@whitebluffsconsulting.com for call in information for in person meetings.

Our next SRRTTF meeting will be Wednesday, February 27 from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm at the Spokane County Water Resource Center, 1004 North Freya St, Spokane
