Open Letter from Ecology Regarding Fish Consumption

Ted Sturdevant, director of the Washington Department of Ecology, has announced a revised approach for updating the state’s fish consumption rates for water quality and cleaning up contaminated sediments. To view his letter and a timeline for Ecology’s work, see

Link to the letter on the SRRTTF website: Ted Sturdevant Letter About Fish Consumption Rulemaking, July 16, 2012

Please bookmark the following website for the most current information about this topic:

State Literature Review: Toxics Atmospheric Deposition in Eastern Washington

At the request of Ecology’s Eastern Regional Office Water Quality Program, a literature review was conducted to determine possible contributions of air deposition to the loading of toxic chemicals to urban stormwater and wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Eastern Washington. This includes model ranges of percent loading contribution of PCBs to the City of Spokane stormwater.

Toxics Atmospheric Deposition in Eastern Washington: State Literature Review