2016 SRRTTF Year In Review

Record of Decisions and Action Items (2016)

January 2016
DECISION: The Task Force accepted the December 16, 2015 meeting summary with minor edits (spelling of Mirabeau, and clarification of the completion of an action item).
DECISION: The Task Force approved the LimnoTech scope of work for the sampling with the following additions:

  • Get flow measurements where feasible;
  • The City of Spokane to coordinate with Gravity to sample their CSOs when the river samples are taken; and
  • LimnoTech to report on the congeners found in the samples

ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to make edits and post summary to the Task Force website. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to email Task Force list-serve requesting feedback on the Sources and Pathways memo with comment timeline. Task Force members are asked to review the draft memo prior to the 1/27/16 Task Force meeting and provide feedback at the meeting. Comments on the draft may also be sent to Dave Dilks (ddilks@limno.com) by Monday, February 8th. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center send info on Federal Hatchery Permit draft review to Chris Donley of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Ruckelshaus Center also send out an email to the Task Force listserve with a link to federal permit draft with a timeline for comments. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Task Force members to send comments on the Draft Federal Hatchery Permit to Jerry White as soon as possible. Jerry White to draft summary of main points of a Task Force comment letter on the Federal Hatchery Permit for SRRTTF review at its February meeting. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to ask Catherine Gockel (EPA permit writer) to attend the February Task Force Meeting. (COMPLETE, Catherine called in to the meeting)
ACTION ITEM: Task Force to submit comments on the draft report (“Little Spokane River- PCB in Fish Tissue Verification Study”) to Michael Friese by 1/29/16. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Chris Donley (WDFW) to follow up with Michael Friese to explain why additional samples from the lake would be appropriate and discuss adding in additional testing (fish planted, creel study). –Chris has followed up with Michael and provided comments on the study. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Michael Friese to revise the QAPP based on the feedback. Michael to provide the QAPP in 2-3 weeks for Task Force review. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Chris Donley to be added to the Task Force List Serve. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Task Force to send comments on the draft memo to Dave Dilks by February 8th, 2016.
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to email Task Force to send comments on draft by February 8th. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to send out announcement to the Task Force on the call for data and comment on Ecology’s Water Quality policy. (COMPLETE)

February 2018

February 2016 Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Technical Workshop

DECISION: The Task Force approved the January 27, 2016 Meeting Notes with the following some corrections.
DECISION: The Task Force tentatively approved a supplemental budget of ~ $10,000 pending investigation of this option by Dave Dilks and discussion at the next Technical Track Work Group (TTWG) meeting.
DECISION: QAPP to go through technical review and signature process. Comments to be sent to Dave Dilks (make sure it is in line with the original QAPP). ACTION ITEM: TTWG look at suggested additional sampling (on suspended particulates); for decision at March Task Force meeting. (COMPLETE.)
ACTION ITEM: Dave will have a fate and transport depiction of the system put together by the next TTWG meeting and a pictorial graphic for ready for the Spokane River Forum presentation.
ACTION ITEM: Data Management work group take on the discussion of making data available and protocols for blank correction. Resurrect the data management group.
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center send proposal for Task Force Review after it is received from EAP. (Complete) ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center contact Andy Dunau about potential for SRRTTF to meet with Lisa Rodenburg and Dave Dilks during Spokane River Forum.
ACTION ITEM: Task Force to review the BMP Memo and send comments to Dave Dilks by March 23rd . ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to send out BMP memo for Task Force review.
ACTION ITEM: Adriane Borgias to schedule meetings of the Database Management Work Group and contact Bob Steed of IDEQ to see if he will join the work group. (COMPLETE.)
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center request Ecology’s Toxics Control Program provide a representative to assist Task Force as the group develops its Comprehensive Plan. (COMPLETE: Bill Fees to attend the March 2nd TTWG meeting to begin discussing how TCP can coordinate with the Task Force.)
ACTION ITEM: Adriane Borgias to schedule meetings of the Database Management Work Group and contact Bob Steed of IDEQ to see if he will join the work group. (COMPLETE.)
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to assist Rebecca Stevens in finding volunteers to speak at the Coeur d’Alene Basin Information Forum (March 17th from 9 am to 3 pm). (COMPLETE.)
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to pull together a scope and budget for the next Task Force meeting. (COMPLETE.)

March 2016

ACTION ITEM: John Beacham to discuss the cost sharing idea with other Idaho parties, and pull together a proposal for discussion/decision at the March Task Force meeting. (COMPLETE, update: Other parties in Idaho did not agree to the proposal, so it got removed from the March Task Force meeting agenda)
ACTION ITEM: Dave Dilks will dig into the Comprehensive Plan for April Task Force meeting and look for gaps and report back.
ACTION ITEM: Jeff Donovan to send the map to Ruckelshaus Center for use at the Spokane River Forum and future Task Force Meetings. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Jerry White will take Task Force feedback and put comments in letter form and send to the Ruckelshaus Center for posting on Wednesday March 9th. (COMPLETE, Update: comments received from Spokane County on March 8th not incorporated into letter, posted for Task Force review.)

DECISION: The February 24, 2016 Task Force Meeting Summary is accepted with the noted edits. ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to make the noted edits to the February 2, 2016 Meeting Summary and post to the Task Force website. (COMPLETE)

ACTION ITEM: Task force members to send comments on the Best Management Practices (BMPs) memo by March 23. Dave to send to Ruckelshaus Center for posting.
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to send out an announcement about the “informal discussion meeting” non-official Task Force meeting at the “our gem symposium” will provide a call in number. (Complete)
ACTION ITEM: Call for Data: WWTP flows and influent and effluent PCB concentrations and existing PCB control plans. Total PCBs and would welcome the congener data. Follow up items on call for data:

  • Blank correction: Dave will state the fact each set of data may deal with blank correction in a different way, and deal with it. The range of uncertainty in waste water loading will be small.
  • All this data in WA is submitted to Ecology. County’s next set of data will be available in April. Dave can take what they have now, and then incorporate after the new data is provided.
  • Data on thumb drive – Dave Moss will be at forum, can provide the data to Dave Dilks.

ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus to also send out call for data. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Jerry White to incorporate all changes. Posted by Monday March 21st, hold TF meeting by Phone at 10:am on the 28th (need 7 voting members). (COMPLETE, Letter approved at the meeting and sent to Catherine Gockel care of the Ruckelshaus Center, see March 28th conference call announcement at http://srrttf.org/?p=6030)
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to print the Ecology press release on the Measurable Progress determination for the display at the Spokane River Forum (COMPLETE).

ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to include the following edits to the scope and budget and provide for decision at the April Task Force meeting:

  • Add in Kara Whitman’s name in scope. (Complete)
  • Add additional hours for anticipated meetings for the development and finalization of the Comprehensive Plan. (Complete)

April 2016

ACTION ITEM: The Ruckelshaus center to send out a reminder of the request for review and comment on the “Magnitude of Sources and Pathways“ memo the week before (Monday April 18th). (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Comp Plan Chapter “Magnitude of Sources and Pathways” is available for review; comments to Dave Dilks by April 26th, 2016.
ACTION ITEM: Task Force to look for local firms to manage data and Ruckelshaus Center to reach out to University resources for data management.
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center send out a Doodle poll for workshop in July (excluding the 4th). (COMPLETE)
DECISION: The summary notes from the March 16, 2016 Task Force Meeting and the March 28th Conference Call were accepted with no revisions.
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to post Final Summary notes for March 16 and 28, 2016 Summary notes to the Task Force Website. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Dave Dilks to consider what could be produced earlier that would be of value regarding control actions. He will have an initial inventory before early June, 2016.
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to schedule a planning meeting for the July 27th workshop. The planning group may or may not include the BMP Workgroup and/or the Technical Track Work Group (TTWG). The group will discuss this at the May TTWG meeting.
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to build a Comprehensive Planning Page that will include all comments received on all draft memorandum. (COMPLETE, page located at http://srrttf.org/?page_id=6228)
ACTION ITEM: Spokane County to send full annual report including Lisa Rodenburg analysis of influent and effluent; and Ruckelshaus Center to post to the Task Force website. (COMPLETE, posted http://srrttf.org/?page_id=6284)
ACTION ITEM: Dave Dilks to put together a cover letter to go along with the data memo/summary to be addressed at the TTWG meeting (COMPLETE, posted http://srrttf.org/?p=6187)
ACTION ITEM: TTWG to discuss the request for funding for the Barker Gage at the May 4, 2016 meeting.
DECISION: SRRTTF ACE to work on putting together the scope and cost for a pilot project to go out to bid.
DECISION: The letter “Letter to U.S. Representatives re: TSCA Reform Bill—” was not approved as many Task Force members’ organizations could not support it at this point with the given language.
ACTION ITEM: Task Force members (specifically Dave Moss and Dave McBride) to discuss the letter with their attorneys to see if there are changes that would allow the letter to be approved by those entities. (COMPLETE, update: a letter was not approved, entities to send letters on their own if they wish)
ACTION ITEM: Sandy Phillips to integrate revisions, suggestions from the Task Force into the Fact Sheet and make available for a decision at the next Task Force Meeting. (COMPLETE)

May 2016

ACTION ITEM: Dave Dilks will send the LimnoTech memo “Summary of SRRTTF-Compiled PCB Data Available for Pattern Analysis. With the cover letter with minor edits to Ruckelshaus Center. Ruckelshaus Center to put the cover letter on Task Force letterhead, add additional date information and send the documents to Lisa Rodenburg. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Dave Dilks to follow up with dischargers on bio-solids data, Adriane Borgias to send contact information for other entities if they exist.
ACTION ITEM: Task Force members to send any additional comments to Dave Dilks.
DECISION: Based on the positions of voting members of the Task Force voiced during this meeting, the group realized the letter (response to HR2576 reform) not be able to be sent as a full Task Force, so decided not to schedule a Task Force phone meeting to make a decision on that question. Entities can send letters on their own if they wish. ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to send an email to Task Force explaining there will not be a Task Force phone meeting for approval of a comment letter. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: The TTWG will collaborate with LimnoTech and Ruckelshaus Center, who will format the agenda and workshop. The TTWG will advise on the “content” of the workshop. Timing: June 1st TTWG meeting scheduled; put another meeting on the calendar in mid-June, another one leading up to the July workshop. Full Task Force workshop July 27th .
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to send the memo and cover letter to Lisa Rodenburg (COMPLETE). Ruckelshaus to schedule two additional meetings of the TTWG (COMPLETE: additional TTWG Meetings: June 15th and July 20th. Scheduling information update: June 15th has limited availability at Ecology but Adriane Borgias has reserved the room from 8 am to 10:30 am. July 20th is flexible. Adriane Borgias has reserved room at Ecology from 10 am – 12 pm.)
DECISION: The SRRTTF accepted the April 27, 2016 summary notes with the above minor edits.
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to post accepted 4/27/16 summary notes to Task Force website. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Adriane Borgias, Doug Krapas, with some help from John Beacham, to contact Maia Bellon regarding ECOS engagement on this topic (TSCA Reform Bill: U.S. House Bill 2576). NOTE: EPA, may need name removed from letterhead for this letter.
ACTION ITEM: Doug Krapas to draft letter by next week, invite comments. Final Draft by June 8th . (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Dave Dilks to make edits to the memo “Magnitude of Source Areas and Pathways of PCBs in the Spokane River Watershed” for discussion at June 1st, TTWG Meeting and have a revised draft by the 8th , for a decision at the June 15th combined Task Force meeting/TTWG meeting. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Jerry White to provide Dave Dilks the BMP Matrix. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Dave Dilks to look at peak flows and compare to sampling. Dave will present this to the TTWG on June 1, 2016 for decision on doing June sampling (or postpone to fall). (COMPLETE, sampling to proceed in June.)
ACTION ITEM: Dave Dilks to work connect Mike Hermanson on the homolog analysis and bring recommendations to the June 1st TTWG meeting. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to request Lisa Rodenburg provide a menu of options, assumptions of data format/data prep to save on costs, etc. (COMPLETE)
DECISION: The Task Force agreed that the Fact Sheet should be a living document, updated and revised as appropriate as the work progresses. The SRRTTF approved the document with that caveat and asked the Outreach Work Group to continue, to pull together more specific outreach materials.

June 2016

TSCA REFORM LETTER: DECISION: The Task Force voting members agreed that not to send the letter at this time since the bill already passed. The letter will be saved for later, to be revised for State regulatory level conversation.
ACTION ITEM: Mike Hermanson to send proposed edits to  the “Magnitude of PCB Sources and Pathways” Memo to Dave Dilks. (COMPLETE)
DECISION: The Task Force provisionally approved the “Magnitude of Source Areas and Pathways” memo with the noted edits to graphics and minor clarifications.
DECISION: The May 25th and June 15th Task Force meeting summaries was accepted.
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to post the accepted meeting summaries to the Task Force Website. (COMPLETE)
DECISION: The Task Force agreed to add the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) as a voting member of the Task Force pending signing of the Task Force Memorandum of Agreement.
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to make a nameplate for WDFW. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Kris Holm to send link to supplemental complaint, Ruckelshaus Center to send out to the Task Force. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: July 6th TTWG Meeting to flesh out the “buckets” and purpose etc. of a fall 2016 Workshop.
ACTION ITEM: The Task Force TSCA SWAT team to meet and work to develop a draft letter to send to EPA, they will also coordinate with ECOS, and Duwamish.  The group to meet and begin developing list of talking points.
ACTION ITEM: Mary Lou Soscia to get information on the congressional overhaul of TSCA to provide the Task Force a “30-thousand-foot view” of what it means to EPA, timeline, substance, opportunities, process, and address whether or not Monsanto got a “waiver of liability” or not for having manufactured and sold PCBs. Mary Lou explained that this may take a while to get a clear picture.
ACTION ITEM: Adriane Borgias will make sure that the draft permits are made available to the TF when they are out. (COMPLETE, Posted to the Task Force website at http://srrttf.org/?page_id=6703)

July 2016

ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to request space to hold a meeting on August 10th from 9 am to 12:30 pm. (COMPLETE, scheduled for the Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District office).
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to revise the workshop agenda and pull together a matrix for Control Action evaluation based on the factsheets from LimnoTech. (COMPLETE).
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to send out the verbiage funding request budget draft. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Chris Page to contact Catherine Gockel about speaking to the Task Force at the August Task Force meeting. (COMPLETE).
ACTION ITEM: Dave Dilks to work on breaking the source/pathway into 3 columns and the timeline into two. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Task Force to send additional comments on the spreadsheet and the memo to Dave Dilks by Friday July 22nd . (COMPLETE)
DECISION: The Task Force agreed to hold a meeting on August 10th at the Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District Office.
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to send the previous legislative request letter/fact sheet to the Task Force to be discussed at the August 3 Technical Track Work Group meeting. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: ACE to pull together a scope and budget for the next year. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: The Education and Outreach work group to look into adapting the SFEI tool kit. (Task shifted to the Demolition and Renovation work group in 2017)
ACTION ITEM: Next steps: Ruckelshaus and LimnoTech to pull all the work from the workshop together, update the spreadsheet and provide for Task Force review at the August 3rd Technical Track Work Group meeting. (COMPLETE)

August 2016

ACTION ITEM: Dave Dilks/LimnoTech to clean up the spreadsheet document prior to the Task Force meeting in August. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Doug Krapas to coordinate with Bud Leber and Dave Moss to come up with a dollar figure and to fine tune the funding request letter and make available for a decision at the August 24th Task Force Meeting. Chris Page to send some language over to Doug. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to ask Jeff Donovan to draft a letter for Task Force to consider. (COMPLETE, update: Task Force decision not to send this letter).

ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to ask Marni Solheim to present at August 24th Task Force meeting regarding the solid waste rulemaking. (COMPLETE, update: Marni was unavailable for the August 24th meeting.)

DECISION: The Task Force approved the June 22, 2016 meeting summary with minor typographical edits.

ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to post 6/22/16 summary notes to Task Force website. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Ellie Key to send typed transcript from the public hearing to the Ruckelshaus Center for Task Force distribution. Presentations from that hearing to be posted to the Task Force website. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Task Force to have discussion on whether to hold another meeting for presentations on the IEP and County permits in October.
ACTION ITEM: 9/7/16 TTWG Kara to facilitate (Chris not available this date)
DECISION: The July 27, 2016 Task Force meeting/Workshop Notes were accepted.
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to post notes to the Task Force Website. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Task Force Education and Outreach Work Group to look at the Toolkit from San Francisco Estuary Institute, with an eye toward adapting it for the Spokane River Basin.
DECISION: The Task Force agreed to have ACE to pull together evaluation criteria for the project and send out an RFP for bid submittal.
ACTION ITEM: ACE to pull together evaluation criteria for selecting pilot project consultant and send out RFP. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Mike LaScuola to revise the letter drafted by Jeff Donovan to address concerns of conflict of rules concerning solid waste.
ACTION ITEM: Task Force to open dialogue with Marni Solheim of Ecology, ask Marni to make time on calendar for next Task Force meeting. (COMPLETE)
DECISION: The Task Force agreed to table this agenda item/decision for now. (Letter concerning solid waste rule)
ACTION ITEM: Mike LaScuola to revise the letter drafted by Jeff Donovan to address concerns of conflict of rules concerning solid waste.
ACTION ITEM: Task Force to open dialogue with Marni Solheim of Ecology, ask Marni to make time on calendar for next Task Force meeting. (COMPLETE)
DECISION: The Task Force agreed to table this agenda item/decision for now.

DECISION: The Task Force conditionally approves the letter (request for funding), pending changes discussed in the meeting.
ACTION ITEM: Kara Whitman to make edits, send letter to Doug Krapas and Adriane Borgias for review and finalizing. Chris Page to send to Governor Inslee, c/o Natural Resource Policy Advisor (Rob Duff). Also email the final version to Task Force and encourage follow up support letters from individual entities. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Adriane Borgias to pull together a list of projects to send to the Task Force and its Technical Track Work Group to look at this on Sept. 7th . (COMPLETE) Events and Outreach, Funding Should the funding work group reconvene? Adriane to take the lead; members = Adriane Borgias, Tom Agnew, Mike Petersen, Doug Krapas.
ACTION ITEM: The funding work group to convene and go through the “Funding Strategies” document and report back to the Task Force. (Update: tentative meeting date scheduled.)
ACTION ITEM: Chris Page to connect Rachel McCrea to Diana Washington to set up this meeting. (Update: video capabilities not available in Seattle facility; SRRTTF representatives suggested Chris Page attend in person.)
ACTION ITEM: The 2-15 Gravity Field Report is available for review, Task Force to send comments to Dave Dilks.

September 2016

ACTION ITEM: Mike Hermanson to provide necessary info to Dave Dilks to validate the groundwater data.
DECISION: The Technical Track Work group will tentatively recommend late October/early November and Early December for monthly sampling pending a decision by the full Task Force.
ACTION ITEM: Dave to look at the info from Avista (Bryce Robbert and Steve Esch) and from Adriane Borgias and make a final recommendation on future monthly sampling at the Task Force Meeting. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Dave Dilks to put a description of how TCP does their investigations in the comprehensive plan.
ACTION ITEM: Task Force send comments on Gravity 2015 sampling report to Dave Dilks by September 21st , 2016. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to send out the Draft Comprehensive Plan on September 15th for full Task Force Review. (COMPLETE)
DECISION: The group agreed to move the October TTWG Meeting from the 5th to the 12th of October, 2016.
ACTION ITEM: The Ruckelshaus Center to send out a meeting change for the October 12th 2016 TTWG. Adriane Borgias to schedule the room at Ecology. (COMPLETE, update, the Policy 1-11 meeting was postponed until November, the TTWG will remain on the 12th)
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus to continue to keep on this agenda item on future agendas as the Task Force moves through the completion of the Comp Plan.
DECISION: The Task Force approved the August 10, 2016 and August 24th, 2016 meeting notes.
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to make minor edits as noted and post the Summaries to the Task Force website. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to make sure the all comments received and posted to the Task Force website on the Comprehensive Plan Draft(s) have clear file names of who the author is. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Kara Whitman will send Ruckelshaus Center and Adriane information on the Rulemaking when available. She will also look into whether the rule can set a different limit for one pollutant, and report back. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Task force to wait to hear back. If a comment letter is appropriate based on Kara’s investigation, the TTWG will look into drafting a letter. (COMPLETE, the TTWG is drafting a letter to bring to the full Task Force)
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center and Kootenai Environmental Alliance to work on identifying a location to hold 1-2 meetings each year in Idaho.

October 2016

ACTION ITEM: Jerry White and other Task Force members to consider questions posed regarding the inclusion of targets in the Comp Plan for discussion at the October 26th Task Force Meeting.
ACTION ITEM: Kara Whitman to send out a Comprehensive Plan schedule. (COMPLETE)
DECISION: The 9/28/16 Notes accepted with no edits.
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to post the Final September 28, 2016 Meeting Summary to the Task Force website. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: The Data Management Work Group to schedule a meeting once all of the bids are in. (after November 11th, 2016)
ACTION ITEM: Jerry White, Dave Moss, and other interested Task Force members to work with Dave Dilks on suggested language changes toward specificity for short-term actions prior to the Task Force Technical Track Work Group (TTWG) meeting. Ruckelshaus Center to send out for Task Force review ahead of November 2nd TTWG work group meeting. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: The Technical Track Work Group to address the suggestions proposed by Jerry White, Dave Dilks, Dave, to finalize (add a column of potential owner (from the workshop). (COMPLETE) ACTION ITEM: Task Force to send all comments on the recent comp plan draft by November 2, 2016. (COMPLETE, all posted to the Task Force website)
ACTION ITEM: Task Force members to review the education and outreach writeup for the plan and send comments by November 2, 2016. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Dave Dilks to make these two minor edits as discussed at the meeting and send to Ruckelshaus Center for Task Force dispersing. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Future meeting topic: revisit the Task Force roster.
DECISION: The letter (Comment Letter on Chemicals of High Concern to Children (CHCC) Reporting Rule) was accepted with the edits discussed.
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center to make the discussed edits to the Comment Letter on Chemicals of High Concern to Children (CHCC) Reporting Rule and send to Kara Steward for the Task Force. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: The Data Management and TSCA Workgroups to hold meetings in November, either 11/16 at the County Water Resource Center in the afternoon, or November 17th at Ecology another date/time.
ACTION ITEM: Don Keil email Kara Whitman naming a new SRRTTF alternate when Sid Fredrickson retires.
ACTION ITEM: Brian Nickel to provide information on the WQS Action to Task Force as soon as available. Ruckelshaus Center to send out blast out EPA rulemaking notice on the 15th if possible.

November 2016

ACTION ITEM: Brent Downey to check with Bud Leber on this action and work plan Commitment.
ACTION ITEM: “DRAFT FINAL” PLAN to Task Force Wednesday November 9th. Version D – Final Draft (ideally) not a redline version. Potential decision point on the 16th of November.
ACTION ITEM: Dave Dilks will provide feedback on meeting length by 11/3/16.
DECISION: The Task Force accepted the 10.26.16 meeting summary.
ACTION ITEM: Kara Whitman to post the Final Summary notes to the Task Force website. (COMPLETE)
DECISION: The Task Force accepted the 2015 Technical Report with the minor edit as noted at the meeting.
ACTION ITEM: Jeff Donovan will send the data to the Ruckelshaus Center and Dave Dilks, to be included in the 2016 monthly sampling data and posted on the Task Force website. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Chris Page to connect with Matt Szelag and Angela Chung about attending an upcoming Task Force meeting. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Tom Agnew and Mike Petersen to draft a Comp Plan cover letter or press release for Task Force consideration at the December meeting. (COMPLETE. Update: The Task Force on December 7th did not approve the Press Release, but decided to have the Education and Outreach Work Group refine the Press Release for discussion at the Technical Track Work Group (TTWG) meeting in January, for hopeful approval at the January Task Force meeting).
DECISION: The Task Force accepted the Comp Plan with the edits discussed (and made to the text) at the Task Force meeting and others to be added by Dave Dilks after the meeting. (Please note that the conference line went down during the decision on the Comp Plan, with the Ruckelshaus Center immediately contacting those Task Force members attending by phone or not able to participate.)
ACTION ITEM: Task Force members should alert the Ruckelshaus Center if their entity would like to request a letter of support from the SRRTTF for a grant proposal.
ACTION ITEM: Individual entities and ACE to look at the grant opportunities and determine if any appear appropriate for the Task Force or one of its individual entities. With the Comp Plan complete, the Task Force will need to target grants for the work of implementing it. For funding water quality-related analysis, consider looking to foundations.
DECISION: The December 14th Task Force meeting will be canceled so Task Force members can attend a Policy 1-11 workshop. The December 7th TTWG meeting will also be an official Task Force meeting to review, and potentially accept a press release/cover letter drafted by Mike Petersen and Tom Agnew, that would accompany the public release of the Comp Plan.
ACTION ITEM: Ruckelshaus Center (Kara Whitman) to send an announcement on the change in the meetings and the information regarding the policy 1-11 workshop. (COMPLETE)

December 2016

DECISION: The Task Force felt the Press Release needed more work, so requested the Education and Outreach Work Group pull together a new draft that addresses the items discussed at the meeting.
ACTION ITEM: The Task Force Education and Outreach Work group will meet at 1:30pm on December 7th, 2016. The Education and Outreach Work Group will draft a new press release by December 28th to post for discussion at the January 4, 2017 TTWG meeting. The Task Force will then have the opportunity to provide comment/feedback on the draft. The Draft will be discussed on January 4th, then go out for Task Force review. Once comments/edits have been incorporated, the Draft will be posted by January 18th for potential approval at the January 25th Task Force meeting.
DECISION: The Task Force approved the letter (Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Letter: Request to Meet EPA’s TSCA & Water Staff Jointly) legislators and Ecology Director to cc list, track down all cc list email addresses. Also, to specify region 10 for EPA on the letterhead. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: Adriane Borgias to make the edits to the letter and send to Kara Whitman to put on letterhead – then Chris Page to send. (COMPLETE, posted at http://srrttf.org/?p=7442)
ACTION ITEM: Jeff Donovan to send data from City of Spokane to Kara Whitman and Kris Holm. This data is also posted on the December 7th meeting announcement. (COMPLETE)
ACTION ITEM: The comp plan 5.14 SWAT team to schedule a meeting and develop a timeline.
ACTION ITEM: Adriane Borgias to discuss a Green Chemistry work plan with Ken Zarker and Others and Schedule a meeting. the new point person from Ecology will be Saskia VanBergen (Ken Zarker Retired). (COMPLETE)