Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force (SRRTTF)
Technical Monitoring Workshop
December 4-5, 2013
WSDOT Eastern Region Headquarters
Advance registration is required by Wednesday, November 27, 2013.
To register, click here.
Workshop Purpose: This workshop is intended provide a forum for the open exchange of information on the goals for and the design of a comprehensive monitoring plan for (a) establishing the current state of PCB in the Spokane River Watershed and (b) designing activities related to source identification.
In a way that:
- Allows those involved (i.e. – regulators, academia, and consultants) in PCB water quality in other geographic areas to discuss their activities and provide insights into what they have learned from their efforts in areas applicable to Spokane River issues.
- Provides input on approaches for the design of a river monitoring plan that identifies sampling locations, sample collection methods, frequency of sampling, analytical methods to be used, and other related data collection and management activities.
- Provides input on approaches for gathering potential “true” source identification and location information in support of the river monitoring plan.
- Provides the opportunity for SRRTTF members to have discussions with presenters and among themselves.
- Provides input to all stakeholders on the development of management options.
- Provides the opportunity for SRRTTF members to “brainstorm” how learnings can best be used to identify near term and long term actions.
So that all SRRTTF members have the opportunity to provide input and direction for the development of the Task Force’s monitoring plan, conceptual model, source reduction actions, and Comprehensive Plan.
Who Should Attend? Members of the SRRTTF, interested stakeholders, regulatory staff from the Department of Ecology and the US EPA, and consultants/technical experts.
For a current list of Workshop and background materials, click here.