Data gathering for a PCBs in products testing database

Dear Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force participants, 

The SRRTTF-TSCA/iPCB Workgroup is interested in developing a database that contains measured PCB concentrations in consumer and commercial products. Although there are a few relevant datasets the TSCA/iPCB Workgroup is aware of (e.g., City of Spokane’s 2015 dataset, Hydroseed testing results,  Ecology’s Database) it is unclear if there is enough additional data that could be made available to the SRRTTF that would justify the creation of a database.  

The SRRTTF has hired Gonzaga University, led by Dr. Kyle Shimabuku, to determine the availability of relevant data. A Scope of Work is attached (GU Phase I SOW Final), which includes some of the organizations that will be contacted initially. If you know of any additional entities that might collect PCBs-in products data, please contact Kyle directly (email:, phone: (509) 313-3552). 

Thank you!