Workshop Planning: Questions to Address in Sessions
In planning the Spokane Regional Toxics Task Force’s December 4-5 workshop, the Technical Track Work Group has identified four specific work sessions designed to address key questions and generate input toward the design of a comprehensive monitoring plan for PCBs in the Spokane River Watershed.
An initial set of questions for each work session has been outlined, and one leader from the Task Force has been assigned to each work session. If you have any additional questions on these four work session topics that are not already in the Workshop Planning Documents below, please send them to the appropriate session leader below by the end of the day on Wednesday, November 20, 2013:
- Work Session #1: Source ID & Reduction (SRRTTF lead Doug Krapas,
- Work Session #2: QAPP & Data Management (SRRTTF lead Arianne Fernandez,
- Work Session #3: Modeling (SRRTTF lead Adriane Borgias,
- Work Session #4: Monitoring Plan for Loading Assessment (SRRTTF lead Bud Leber,