Ecology Announcement: State Fiscal Year 2016 Final Water Quality Funding Offer List and Intended Use Plan

The Department of Ecology’s (Ecology) Water Quality Program is pleased to announce the availability of the State Fiscal Year 2016 (SFY16) Water Quality Final Funding Offer List and Intended Use Plan (Final List). The Final List describes how Ecology intends to use state and federal dollars to fund projects focused on improving water quality across the state.

Ecology received 227 applications requesting more than $352 million in financial assistance. Ecology is offering grant and loan funding for 162 projects totaling approximately $227 million. The total includes $143 million in loans from the Washington State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund, approximately $61 million in grants from the Stormwater Financial Assistance Program, $21.4 million in grants from the Centennial Clean Water Program, and $1.4 million in grants from the Clean Water Act Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program. The projects offered funding reflect the highest priority water quality projects across the state. Projects offered funding include:

  • 93 stormwater facility projects.
  • 31 nonpoint source pollution control activity projects.
  • 21 wastewater facility projects. Six of these are construction projects in communities that qualify for financial hardship status that will receive grants, forgivable principal loans, and loans with further reduced interest rates.
  • 14 stormwater control activity projects.
  • 3 local onsite sewage system repair and replacement projects, including one that covers 9 counties.

The Final List is available at: Additional information on Ecology’s Water Quality Program funding can be found at