Special Meeting with SRRTTF and EPA, April 26, 2017

A special meeting with the SRRTTF and EPA will be held April 26, 2017 immediately following the regular Task Force meeting.

The SRRTTF intends this meeting to be an initial discussion that leads to a robust stakeholder process. Our goal is to identify technically and legally defensible solutions that address the regulatory conflicts between the TSCA/water quality standards. Development of next steps to make this happen should be the primary outcome of this initial meeting.

Location: Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District  Click Here for a map.
Time: 12:30 – 2:15 pm


Meeting Summary:
April 26, 2017 Special Meeting EPA/TF Notes

Agenda_EPA-SRRTTF_4-26_Final Draft
EPA SRRTTF TSCA Meeting 042617 – Questions Outcomes Final draft

IEP-PCB-Presentation (pdf)
EPA-TSCA-presentation-042717 (pdf)

IEP PCB Presentation , 
Pollution Prevention Principles
PCB Chemical Action Plan