August 22, 2012 Spokane River Regional Task Force Meeting

August 8, 2012

Spokane River Regional Task Force Meeting Announcement

Date: August 22, 2012
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Location: Water Resource Center, Spokane County Regional Water Reclamation Facility
1004 North Freya St.
Spokane, WA 99202
Click here for a map.

Meeting Documents

SRRTTF Meeting Notes (Revised) 082212

SRRTTF Draft Agenda 8-22-12

Sensing Interviews Results PPT 8-22-12 (with notes)

ECOS Draft Resoultion on PCBs in Products

Business Entity Discussion

Background Information:
SRRTTF Business Entity Structure Concept (Accepted by Task Force on May 22, 2012)

Documents for Task Force consideration and approval:

Business Entity Draft Articles of Incorporation 8-8-2012

Business Entity Draft Bylaws 8-8-2012

Note: The Business Entity documents have been posted on the SRRTTF website and available for review by the Task Force since July 19, 2012. Comments have been received and incorporated into the attached drafts. If you have further questions or concerns about these documents, please contact Adriane Borgias by Tuesday, August 14th so they may be addressed at the upcoming SRRTTF meeting.

Spokane River Toxics Workshop Report to Task Force

Work Group Report Out 082212 01

Work Group Report Out 082212 02

Task Force Work Plan

SRRTTF Work Plan Objectives Concept R3 08-08-12

SRRTTF Technical Advisor Concept R1 08-08-12

The Task Force Work Plan documents were developed from the recommendations and findings of the Spokane River Toxics Workshop that was held June 5-6, 2012. They are foundational documents to be used in the development of a Request for Proposal for a Technical Advisor.  Please review prior to the Task Force meeting and be prepared to respond and/or provide comment.

Plan for Ecology’s Fiscal Year 2013 Toxics Sampling in the Spokane River

Handout on FY13 sampling for SRRTTF Meeting on 8-23-12

May 22, 2012 Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting

May 14, 2012

Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting

Date: May 22, 2012
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 am

Location: Washington Department of Ecology
N. 4601 Monroe St.
Spokane, WA 99205
Click here for a map.

Meeting Documents
Agenda: Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting May 22, 2012

Meeting Notes: Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting, May 22, 2012

SRRTTF Business Entity Structure Concept (Task Force Decision to accept concept as presented)
Ruckelshaus Center Scope of Work (Task Force Decision to accept Scope of Work as presented)

Memorandum to the Department of Ecology from the Spokane Tribe of Indians, May 21, 2012


March 28, 2012 Task Force Meeting

March 27th, 2012

Date: March 28th, 2012
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 pm
Location: Washington Department of Ecology

Agenda, March 28th Task Force Meeting
Minutes, March 28 Toxics Task Force Meeting

Ruckelshaus Center Proposal
Gray Resume
McDaniel Resume

Technical Workshop Planning Materials

Task Force Participant Roster

SRRTTF Decision Making Flow Chart


February 28th, 2012 Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting

The Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force is scheduled for:

Date: February 28th, 2012

Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Location: Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District (driving directions)

Call In Number: 800-704-9804

Participant Code: 34863442#

February 28th Meeting Minutes

Meeting Materials
Toxics Task Force Agenda, February 28th

Technical Track Purpose Statement
Conceptual Models
Workshop Purpose Statement
Technical Work Group Report
Task Force Member Data Collection Survey

RFP Coordinator/Facilitator
Ruckelshaus Center Overview

January 11, 2012 Task Force Meeting

Date: January 11, 2012

Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Location: Liberty Lake Water and Sewer District (driving directions)

Call In Number: 

(360) 407-3780 PIN Code: 530807#

 January 11 Minutes

Meeting materials:
January 11 Agenda
Draft Facilitator/Coordinator RFQ
EPA Comments to SRRTTF MOA
EPA Comments to SRRTTF MOA as Track Changes

November 1st, 2011 Meeting and Minutes

The Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force met on:

Date: November 1st, 2011
Time: 8:45 am to 12:00 pm
Location: Liberty Lake Water and Sewer District (driving directions)
Call In Number: (360) 407-3780, PIN Code: 519345 # 

SRRTTF: November 1 Meeting Minutes

Nov. 1st Agenda
MOA Timeline
Draft Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force MOA 10.31
Cost Estimate for Facilitation of Spokane River Toxics Task Force


October 6, 2011 Task Force Meeting and Minutes

The Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force met on:

Date: Thursday, October 6th, 2011
Time: 8:30 am to 12:00 pm
Location: Spokane Regional Health District (map)
Room: Auditorium (Also called Room 140)
Parking: There is metered street parking and paid lots off of College Ave. No parking is permitted in the regional health district lot.
Call In Number: (360) 407-3780 PIN Code: 387115 #


Toxics Task Force Minutes Oct. 6, 2011

Toxics Task Force Agenda Oct. 6, 2011

Workgroup 1 Concept Paper, 9.30
Workgroup 2 Concept Paper, 9.30
Workgroup 3 Concept Paper, 10.4

September 21 and 23, 2011 Workgroup Meetings

Workgroup 1: Vision, Goals, Objectives

Date: Friday, September 23, 2011
Time: 1:30–3:30pm
Location:Ecology Offices, 4601 North Monroe
Call In #: (360) 407-3780, Pin Code: 387122 #
For more information: Jim Bellatty, 509-329-3534/

Workgroup 2: Roles, Responsibilities, Governance

Date: Wednesday, September 21 2011
Time: 2:30 –5:00 pm
Location: Ecology Offices, 4601 North Monroe
Call In #: By request
For more information: Diana Washington, 509-329-3504/

Workgroup 3: Organizational Structure, Operating Procedures

Date: Friday, September 23 2011
Time: 10:00am–12:00 PM
Location: Ecology Offices, 4601 North Monroe
Call In #: 360-407-3780, PIN Code: 932386#
For more information: Dave Moore, 509-329-3514/