Signatories to the Memorandum of Agreement

Voting Members

Spokane County MOA/Spokane County SRRTTF Resolution 12-0145

Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District MOA

Inland Empire Paper Company MOA

Kaiser Aluminum MOA

City of Spokane MOA/City of Spokane OPR 2012-0059

Spokane Regional Health District MOA

Washington State Department of Health MOA

Lake Spokane Association MOA

The Lands Council MOA

Spokane Riverkeeper MOA

City of Coeur d’Alene MOA

Kootenai Environmental Alliance

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife


Avista Letter of Support



Washington State, Represented by the Department of Ecology

Washington State Department of Ecology MOA

United States, Represented by the Environmental Protection Agency




Ecology to Host Fish Consumption Workshops August 28, 2012

Subject: Department of Ecology hosts workshop Aug. 28 on revised approach for Reducing Toxics In Fish, Shellfish, Sediment, and Water

On July 16, 2012, Department of Ecology Director Ted Sturdevant announced a revised approach for updating the state’s fish consumption rates for water quality and cleaning up contaminated sediments.  View Director Sturdevant’s letter and a timeline for Ecology’s work here:

Ecology invites interested parties to attend a video conference workshop from 1 – 5 p.m., on Tuesday, August 28, 2012, at Ecology’s regional offices in Lacey,  Bellevue, Yakima and Spokane.  The workshop will provide an in-depth explanation of Ecology’s current approach.

 Workshop topics include updates on:

  • Ecology’s toxic reduction strategy.
  • Toxic Cleanup Program’s sediment management standards rule making.
  • Ecology’s fish consumption rate technical document.
  • Water Quality Program’s water quality standards rule makings.

As part of this revised approach, Ecology’s Water Quality Program intends to move forward with adopting new human health criteria for surface water quality.   An informational session on human health criteria will be included in the workshop.

Seating is limited.  Please RSVP at

Learn about future public involvement opportunities and read more about the process ahead at:

Reducing Toxics in Fish, Sediments and Water:

Workshop Information:
Date: August 28, 2012
Time: 1 -5 p.m.

Eastern Regional Office
Room: 1-NW-18
N. 4601 Monroe
Spokane, WA 99205-1295


Headquarters Office
Room: R0A-32/34/36
300 Desmond Drive SE
Lacey, WA 98503


Central Regional Office
Room: 204 A
15 W. Yakima Ave., Ste 200
Yakima, WA  98902

Northwest Regional Office
Room: 2A&B
3190 – 160th Ave. SE
Bellevue, WA 98008-5452


Sandy Howard
Communications – Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program – Environmental Assessment Program
360-407-6408 (desk) ~ 360-791-3177 (cell)

ECOS Draft Resolution on PCB in Products

August 22, 2012

As requested by the SRTTF during our meeting this afternoon, attached is the 03-02-2012 Draft ECOS PCBs in Products Resolution.  This is an earlier draft and may not be completely representative of the version that will be presented to the committee on Tuesday, but it will provide everyone with a sense of what is being requested.  Also attached is the agenda for the meeting and a link with more information about the meeting:

I suggest sending letters of support to the following and please have anyone sending letters also copy me:

Matthew C. Jones
Senior Project Manager
Environmental Council of the States
50 F Street, NW, Suite 350
Washington, DC 20001

Thanks for posting this information to the SRTTF and I greatly appreciate everyone’s attention, efforts and supporton this issue.

Doug Krapas
Environmental Manager
Inland Empire Paper Company
Phone:  509/924-1911

Click Here: for related information.

August 22, 2012 Spokane River Regional Task Force Meeting

August 8, 2012

Spokane River Regional Task Force Meeting Announcement

Date: August 22, 2012
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Location: Water Resource Center, Spokane County Regional Water Reclamation Facility
1004 North Freya St.
Spokane, WA 99202
Click here for a map.

Meeting Documents

SRRTTF Meeting Notes (Revised) 082212

SRRTTF Draft Agenda 8-22-12

Sensing Interviews Results PPT 8-22-12 (with notes)

ECOS Draft Resoultion on PCBs in Products

Business Entity Discussion

Background Information:
SRRTTF Business Entity Structure Concept (Accepted by Task Force on May 22, 2012)

Documents for Task Force consideration and approval:

Business Entity Draft Articles of Incorporation 8-8-2012

Business Entity Draft Bylaws 8-8-2012

Note: The Business Entity documents have been posted on the SRRTTF website and available for review by the Task Force since July 19, 2012. Comments have been received and incorporated into the attached drafts. If you have further questions or concerns about these documents, please contact Adriane Borgias by Tuesday, August 14th so they may be addressed at the upcoming SRRTTF meeting.

Spokane River Toxics Workshop Report to Task Force

Work Group Report Out 082212 01

Work Group Report Out 082212 02

Task Force Work Plan

SRRTTF Work Plan Objectives Concept R3 08-08-12

SRRTTF Technical Advisor Concept R1 08-08-12

The Task Force Work Plan documents were developed from the recommendations and findings of the Spokane River Toxics Workshop that was held June 5-6, 2012. They are foundational documents to be used in the development of a Request for Proposal for a Technical Advisor.  Please review prior to the Task Force meeting and be prepared to respond and/or provide comment.

Plan for Ecology’s Fiscal Year 2013 Toxics Sampling in the Spokane River

Handout on FY13 sampling for SRRTTF Meeting on 8-23-12

Workshop on Performance Based Criteria Analysis

 SGS Analytical Perspectives is howding a workshop in Wilmington, North Carolina entitled:

 “Performance Based Criteria Analysis: Fundamentals & Applications”

 The workshop will be hosted by Dr. Yves Tondeur and Jerry Hart, and feature other leading scientists at SGS Analytical Perspectives: Michael Flournoy, Dr. Kimberly Mace, and Dr. Bryan Vining. Participants will develop an understanding of how specifying lab performance parameters up front, especially measurement uncertainty, ensures that the data generated are more effective for decision making. Participants will be able to apply this understanding to future Quality Assurance Project Plans and other documents that specify analytical requirements such that the data generated support decision making Click on the link below for more information :

Wilmington Oct2012 Invitation

August 8, 2012 Administrative Work Group Meeting

Spokane River Regional Task Force

Administrative Work Group Meeting

Date: August 8, 2012
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 pm

Location: Washington Department of Ecology
N. 4601 Monroe St.
Spokane, WA 99205
Click here for a map.

Meeting Documents

SRRTTF Administrative Work Group Meeting Notes

SRRTTF Administrative Work Group Meeting Draft Agenda

Comments Received from Kaiser Aluminum

SRRTTF-Nonprofit-Entity-Articles_PC comments


Form of Electronic Notice Consent

Conflict of Interest Policy

Comments Received from Spokane County:

Microsoft Office Outlook – Memo Style-20120807163433

Comments Received from Ecology and WA Department of Health:

Microsoft Office Outlook – Memo Style-20120807151702

August 8, 2012 Technical Track Work Group Meeting

Spokane River Regional Task Force

Technical Track Work Group Meeting

Date: August 8, 2012
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 pm

Location: Washington Department of Ecology
N. 4601 Monroe St.
Spokane, WA 99205
Click here for a map.

Meeting Documents

SRRTTF Technical Track Work Group Meeting Notes

SRRTTF Technical Track Work Group Draft Agenda: August 8, 2012

SRRTTF Technical Advisor Concept R1

SRRTTF Work Plan Objectives Concept R3

SRSP SRRTTF Work Plan Dev Concept D2 08-07-12

Request to Proceed 080312

Work Group Report Out 082212 01

Work Group Report Out 082212 02

Open Letter from Ecology Regarding Fish Consumption

Ted Sturdevant, director of the Washington Department of Ecology, has announced a revised approach for updating the state’s fish consumption rates for water quality and cleaning up contaminated sediments. To view his letter and a timeline for Ecology’s work, see

Link to the letter on the SRRTTF website: Ted Sturdevant Letter About Fish Consumption Rulemaking, July 16, 2012

Please bookmark the following website for the most current information about this topic: