Formal WA State Draft Water Quality Standards Rule available for public review: Human Health Criteria & Implementation Tools

The Washington State Department of Ecology proposes to adopt amendments to Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington – Chapter 173-201A WAC.  This rule making addresses two specific areas of the water quality standards:  (1) Development and adoption of new human health criteria, and (2) Revision and expansion of some of the tools in the standards that help in implementation.  Ecology has published the rule proposal on its website on January 12, 2015.  The public comment period on the draft rule and the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the rule is open through midnight March 23, 2015
Information on the rule making, including documents, details about public hearings and webinar opportunities, and other related information, can be found on Ecology’s website at:
You can learn more about the proposed standards and provide comments at the following public hearings.
                        2426 N. Discovery Pl., Spokane Valley 99216
                        6 p.m. open house; 6:30 p.m. presentation with Q&A session, followed by public hearing. This is an in-person-only public event.
March 4          Yakima Convention Center
                        10 N. 8th St., Yakima 98901
                        6 p.m. open house; 6:30 p.m. presentation with Q&A session, followed by public hearing.  This is an in-person-only public event.
March 12        Ecology Headquarters Building
                        300 Desmond Drive, Lacey 98503   
                        Two sessions – you may attend either session in person or online by webinar.
                        Session 1:  1:30 p.m. open house; 2 p.m. presentation (webinar begins) with Q&A session, followed by public hearing.
                        Session 2:  6:30 p.m. open house; 7 p.m. presentation (webinar begins) with Q&A session, followed by public hearing.
You may provide comments at a public hearing or you may provide them in writing through one of the following methods:
·       By Email:
·       By Fax:  360-407-6426
·       By Mail:
Cheryl Niemi
Washington State Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program
P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA  98504-7600.
For more information, contact Cheryl Niemi at (360) 407-6440 or by email at
The proposed changes to the water quality standards are tied to toxics-reduction legislation Gov. Inslee is proposing to address toxics that enter the environment from unregulated, everyday sources, such as consumer products. Find out more by going to this website:

Proposed rule package available for review: main stem of river in Spokane County and small portion of Stevens County

This just in from Chris Anderson of the Department of Ecology Water Resources Program.

“The proposed rule package for the main stem of the river in Spokane County and a small portion of Stevens County is available for review.

You may recall, we solicited feedback from the community on a preliminary draft rule before entering the official rule making process.

State law requires a State Environmental Policy Act determination and an economic analysis for the rule.  These draft documents are also available for review and comment.

You can provide comments on the proposed rule through an online feedback system or by emailing Ann Wessel (  through Nov. 7, 2014.

We are also hosting an open house at 6 p.m. followed by a public hearing from at 7p.m. Oct. 22, 2014, at CenterPlace Regional Event Center in Spokane Valley.

Thank you for your continued interest. Keeping water in the Spokane River is a priority for all of us. We all want a clean and flowing river.”

Thank you,
Chris Anderson

Department of Ecology – Water Resources Program
Public Information Technical Support/Web
Office: (360) 407-6634   Fax: (360) 407-6574

Draft PCB Chemical Action Plan- Opportunity to Comment

Draft PCB Chemical Action Plan

Opportunity to Comment

The Department of Ecology (Ecology) invites you to comment on the
Draft Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) Chemical Action Plan (CAP).
Ecolgy will accept comments by mail, fax, or email August 6 – October
6, 2014.  Comments must be received by 5 p.m. October 6, 2014.

Two public meetings to share information and answer questions will
take place:

Date: September 15, 2014
Time: 10 a.m.
Place: Ecology Headquarters and via internet webinar

Date: September 24, 2014
Time: 4 p.m.
Place: Ecology Eastern Regional Office

For more information and webinar registration:



Announcement: Opportunity to Comment on Ecology’s Solid & Hazardous Waste Plan

The first draft of the State Solid and Hazardous Waste Plan (Beyond Waste) 2014 Update is now available for review and comment.

Ecology will accept comments through September 17, 2014.

This first draft is a partial draft, and contains the introduction and draft goals and actions for the next five years. The draft goals and actions are organized as follows:

  •  Managing Hazardous Waste and Materials
  •  Managing Solid Wastes and Materials
  • Reducing Impacts of Materials and Products
  • Measuring Progress
  • Providing Outreach and Information

To Comment:  download the draft plan and comment form.

The draft plan is a WORD document with embedded comment boxes.  You will need to save a copy to your computer to make your comments. When finished, email it to the address below.  You can comment on as few or as many areas as you wish, and since you download your own copy of the draft plan, you are able to take your time to review and comment.

If you prefer, you may fax or mail comments to the addresses below.  If you do not use the comment form, please specify what each comment refers to; include section title, page number, and goal or action number where applicable.

Send Your Comments To:

  • Email:
  • Fax: 360-407-6715
  • US Mail: – Cathy Bouge, Dept of Ecology /HWTR, PO Box 47600, Olympia, WA  98504-7600

COMMENTS ARE DUE BY:   September 17, 2014.

You can also talk with us directly to provide your comments via email, phone or a meeting.

Contact us:

  •  Janine Bogar:  360-407-6654;  (solid waste)
  •  Chris Chapman; 360-4077160, (hazardous waste)
  • Website:
  • WA State Department of Ecology, P.O Box 47600, Olympia WA 98504-7600

Thank you for your time and input!

Janine Bogar | Washington State Department of Ecology | Waste 2 Resources Program | PO Box 47600 , Olympia, WA 98504-7600
360-407-6654 direct | 360-407-6102 fax | e-mail

July 23, 2014 Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting

Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting Announcement

Date: July 23, 2014
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Location: Spokane County Water Resource Center
1004 N. Freya Street
Spokane, WA 99202

Click here for a map

Call In Number: 800-704-9804
Participant Code: 34863442#

Please note, the conference call in number will remain open until 15 minutes until after the meeting begins. It will continue to remain open as long as there are callers on the line. If you wish to join the meeting by phone late, please notify Adriane Borgias ( ahead of time.

Meeting Documents
–  7 23 14 SRRTTF Meeting Summary-Final
SRRTTF July 23 2014 Draft Agenda
–  TTWG Status Report 7-18-14
–  LimnoTech Memo Confidence Testing Results 7-16-14 (updated)
–  SRRTTF QAPP Addendum 7-14-14 DRAFT
–  SRRTTF QAPP Checklist 7-15-14
 PCB Annual Report -2014
 PCB 2014 Annual Report Presentation
–  Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force ECTS 8526 Response
  SRRTTF Financial Overview v2
–  Governor Inslee 2014 Budget Request
 SRRTTF letter to Governor_City of Spokane edits 7-23-14
 SRRTTF Letter Governor -FINAL- 7-24-14 *FINAL
2014 Governor Inslee Clean Water Policy Brief
  SRRTTF Hornbuckle Letter Approved by SRRTTF 2-26-14 – SRRTTF 2-26-14 Meeting

Measurable Progress Documents

–  Measurable Progress Definition 07152014 Final Revised Header *CORRECTED DATE*
  Measurable Progress Definition 07152014 Redline final Revised Header *CORRECTED DATE*
Measurable Progress Draft Definition SRSP suggested edits 4-29-14
 SRSP Comment Letter – Measurable Progress Definition 4-30-14
Letter to Ecology Measurable Progress Definition 4-15-14
 Response to comments 7-15-14


Message from Ecology’s Water Quality Program Manager

Gov. Jay Inslee has given a directive to the Department of Ecology related to our work to update the Water Quality Standards for toxics (also known as the Human Health Criteria, or fish consumption rule making).

For your convenience, here is a link to the Governor’s directive.

And, here is a link to view the press conference he held July 9.

Ecology will follow the Governor’s directive to build the best possible draft rule and we want to let you know our next anticipated steps.

As we follow the Governor’s directive, we will continue to engage with all interests. We will schedule a public meeting in the near future to provide details about our approach and path forward.

Rest assured, there will be a lot of public process ahead and we welcome – and need – your participation. We will do our best to keep you informed along the way.

You can follow this work online at:

Or if you haven’t already, sign up to receive our email updates at:

Heather Bartlett
Water Quality Program Manager
Department of Ecology
PO Box 47696
Olympia WA 98504-7696
Phone (360) 407-6405

Announcement: Spokane River In-Stream Flow Rule Making

Date: January 22, 2014
From: Washington State Department of Ecology
Subject: Spokane River Instream Flow Rule-making

We would like to share some important information with you about our intent to begin rule-making to protect the Spokane River. Ecology is filing paperwork with the State Code Reviser that allows us to begin the development of an instream flow rule.

The purpose of an instream flow rule is to protect and preserve water in streams for “instream resources” including fish, wildlife, recreational uses, wastewater management, and hydropower.   An instream flow rule will also give the river a water right, much like we give individuals, farms and municipalities. In order to issue the river a water right, the state has to go through the process of issuing a rule.

Once an instream flow is set Ecology will use the rule as a regulatory flow threshold to determine whether there is water to withdraw for new uses while still protecting fish and other instream resources.

Ecology approaches instream flow rules differently in each watershed basin. Over time we have learned and adapted means used to protect our water resources. Each rule area has unique needs due to geography, geology, population, and local water management. We remain committed to protecting instream resources and overcoming challenges by collaborating with the communities impacted by these rules.

We look forward to working with you through an open process with robust public input opportunities during rule-development. Keeping water in the Spokane River is a priority for all of us. A clean and flowing river is good for the environment and good for our economy.

For more information:

To continue to receive updates on the Spokane River instream flow rule, please sign up for our listserv.

SFY2015 Ecology’s WQ Combined Application Information

September 11, 2013

From: Information from Department of Ecology’s Water Quality Grants and Loans Program  

Applicants for the SFY2015 Water Quality Combined Funding Cycle will be able to apply on-line starting October 1st.

Ecology has been working on a new web-based grant and loan management system called Ecology Administration of Grants and Loans (EAGL). The SFY2015 Water Quality Combined Funding Cycle application will be available through the EAGL on-line system starting October 1st.  Training will be provided at the applicant workshops in October.

The EAGL system is currently in its final development stage for the SFY2015 Water Quality Combined Funding Cycle application process.   Due to the EAGL project’s timeline, the opening of the application period was moved from September to October for this year. Applicants will have from October 1st thru December 4th to submit their applications.

Please attend one of the four applicant workshops we will be holding in October to learn more.  Our SFY2015 website,, is available and has information about the workshop dates and locations.

Announcement: Water Quality Program State Fiscal Year 2015 Funding Applicant Training Workshops

This is to notify you that the Department of Ecology’s (Ecology) Water Quality Program has scheduled four training workshops for applicants seeking funding for water quality-related projects during the State Fiscal Year 2015 (SFY15) Funding Cycle. A workshop will be held in each of Ecology’s four regions. The workshops are scheduled for 9:00am – 1:00pm on:

  • October 8 in Spokane Valley at the CenterPlace Regional Event Center.
  • October 9 in Ellensburg at Central Washington University.
  • October 15 in Olympia at the Red Lion Hotel.
  • October 17 in Everett at the Edward D. Hansen Conference Center at Comcast Arena.

Ecology shifted the application period for the SFY15 Funding Cycle by approximately one month due to the implementation of  a new web-based grant and loan management system called, Ecology Administration of Grants and Loans (EAGL). Beginning with the SFY15 Funding Cycle, applications and future funding agreements will be managed through EAGL. The workshops will include training on applying for funding through EAGL. The application period runs from October 1 – December 4, 2013.

Potential applicants will receive a “Save the Date” card in the next few days and a “Final Announcement” with details in mid September.

For more information, contact Daniel Thompson ( or (360) 407-6510.

June 26, 2013 Spokane River Regional Task Force Meeting

Spokane River Regional Task Force Meeting Announcement

Date: June 26, 2013
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Location: Department of Ecology
4601 North Monroe Street
Spokane, WA 99205
Click here for a map

Call In Number: 800-704-9804
Participant Code: 34863442#

Please note, the conference call in number will remain open until 15 minutes until after the meeting begins. It will continue to remain open as long as there are callers on the line. If you wish to join the meeting by phone late, please notify Adriane Borgias ( ahead of time.

Meeting Documents
SRRTTF Meeting Summary 6-26-13
SRRTTF Agenda DRAFT 6-26-13
Limno Tech Data Gathering Status 06-19-13
Spokane QAPP Review 6-19-13
Funding Concepts FINAL
SRRTTF Funding Concepts Rev 06-12-13 CLEAN
SRRTTF Funding Concepts Rev 06-12-13 RED LINE DRAFT
Funding Concepts FINAL *FINAL
Draft Outreach Planning Calendar rev 06-05-13
Proposed SRRTTF Facilitation SOW (updated 6-18-13)
Ruckelshaus Center – Chris Page CV

Link to Technical Consultant Status Page with Final Work Products

SRRTTF 2013 Annual Report Presentation
City of Spokane Integrated Planning