December 2, 2020 SRRTTF Zoom Meeting

The next meeting of the Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force is:

Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Zoom meeting link: Please email for more information and to join

Meeting Documents:

0 – SRRTTF agenda_12022020
1 – SRRTTF DRAFT Meeting Summary October 28, 2020
2020-11-30 ACE Commitment Report
ACE Monthly Summary NOV 2020
2a – Media.Campaign.ScopeofWork.2021
2b – TTWG_ShortTermFeasibility_Mission Hot Spots11242020
2c – TTWG_ShortTermFeasibility_Sediment Analysis11242020
2d – TLC iPCB campaign proposal and budget
3 – SRRTTF Mead Presentation Final
4a – PCB sources to WWTPs in the Spokane River Dec2020 revised
4b – Spokane River PCB PMF-MLR Holistic Analysis DRAFT SOW 110520
5 – draft SRRTTF Comp-Plan-2020 Accomps
6 – Future Meeting Topics – Dec. 2020
7 – 2021 Spokane Regional Toxics Task Force meeting schedule

October 28, 2020 SRRTTF Zoom Meeting

The next meeting of the Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force is:

Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Zoom meeting link: Please email for more information and to join

Meeting Documents:

0 – SRRTTF agenda_10282020
1 – SRRTTF DRAFT Meeting Summary August 26, 2020
2a – 2020-09-30 ACE Commitment Report
2b – ACE Monthly Summary SEP 2020
3 – Rodenburg SOW Additional Analysis of Influent Data 10-8-20
4 – Kaiser-Mead_SRRTTF
5 – DRAFT – State Appropriation and ACE Budget update 10-21-2020
6 – PCBs database 10 12 20
7 – Future Meeting Topics – October 2020

August 26, 2020 SRRTTF Zoom Meeting

The next meeting of the Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force is:

Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Zoom meeting link: Please email for more information and to join

Meeting Documents:

0 – SRRTTF agenda_08262020
1a – SRRTTF DRAFT Meeting Summary July 22, 2020
1b – SRRTTF DRAFT Meeting Summary June 24, 2020
2a – 2020-07-31 ACE Commitment Report
2b – ACE Monthly Summary JUL 2020
3a – TechnicalActivitiesStatus_08262020
3b – SRRTTF_SPMD_QAPP_081020
3c – HotSpotAssessment_08182020_Draft
3d – Baseline PCBs_Spokane River_Redband Trout_QAPP_WDFW_Ecology_Draft_August-26-2020
4 – SRF SRRTTF Media Campaign Results 8.17.20
5 – KaiserMeadRequest20190306_201903060953
6 – Future Meeting Topics – August 2020

EPA to begin time-critical removal work at Kaiser site in Mead

Asbestos, PCBs at former aluminum smelter pose risks to people

(July 23, 2020) — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today that on Monday July 27, it will begin ‘time-critical’ cleanup actions at the Former Kaiser Smelter Site, in Mead, just north of downtown Spokane.

The work will reduce or eliminate risks to people, nearby homes and businesses, and the environment posed by asbestos, PCBs, and other chemicals.

During the first phase of this work crews managed by EPA’s Emergency Management Branch will remove PCBs and asbestos-contaminated materials from the 170-acre, developed portion of the site. This part of the site has many large, deteriorating structures and waste piles. 

The second phase will remove contaminated water and sediment from settling ponds on a 400-acre, undeveloped part of the site, north of the former plant. These ponds are full and actively releasing PCBs to Deadman Creek — a tributary of the Little Spokane River – at levels hundreds of times higher than state water quality standards. Thus, the ponds pose a threat of a larger release of toxic PCBs to the watershed. This work will help protect fish, people who eat fish, and other important elements of the watershed ecosystem.

EPA expects work will wrap up by late December.

In 2019, at the request of the Washington Department of Ecology, EPA conducted field sampling at the site and found very high levels of a number of hazardous chemicals, including cancer-causing PCBs, PAHs, and asbestos-containing materials. These substances pose health risks to people who visit the site and are unaware of the danger.

Work will begin on or around July 27 and is expected to be completed by late December. The current cleanup plans include removing:

  • Highly contaminated building siding;
  • Siding material that has sloughed off onto the ground;
  • Friable asbestos-containing pipe insulation;
  • Piles of leftover toxic material; and
  • Contaminated water and sediment from the settling ponds and stormwater conveyance system.

For more about the work at the Former Kaiser Smelter Site in Mead go to:

July 21, 2020 Tech Track work group remote meeting

There will be a Tech Track work group meeting to discuss the hot spot identification project and technical project priorities for recommendation to the Task Force next Tuesday, July 21 from 10:00 to noon. 

Please contact for the Zoom meeting information.

Meeting Documents:

PrioritizationMatrix- 20191011
TTWG_agenda 7-21-2020

July 22, 2020 SRRTTF Zoom meeting and EPA funding announcement

We are scheduling a Task Force meeting on short notice for one agenda item that is time sensitive.  It will be a short zoom meeting to discuss and hopefully approve the PCBs in products database development Phase 1 scope of work received from Kyle Shimabuku at Gonzaga University.  This work is being recommended by the TSCA work group.  We discussed this topic at the last Task Force meeting.  In summary this work will help in determining the sufficiency of available data to include in a database.  

Please email to receive the Zoom meeting link. The meeting will be at 1 pm.

Meeting document:

GU Phase I SOW Final

EPA Announces $6 Billion in New Funding for Water Infrastructure Projects

Funding availability builds on 24 WIFIA loans issued under President Trump financing nearly $12 billion in water infrastructure and creating 25,000 jobs

WASHINGTON (July 14, 2020) — Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the 2020 notice of funding availability under its Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program, including funding for the new State infrastructure financing authority WIFIA (SWIFIA) program. These funding programs accelerate investment in critical water infrastructure through innovative and flexible financing that can support diverse projects in both large and small communities. This year’s funding will provide up to $6 billion to support $12 billion in water infrastructure projects while creating more than 35,000 jobs and improving public health and environmental protection in communities across the country.

“EPA’s WIFIA loan program has become one of the most effective tools used in President Trump’s efforts to upgrade our nation’s infrastructure, create jobs and safeguard public health and the environment,” said EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler. “This new round of $6 billion in funding comes in time to help communities that are trying to recover from the health and financial stress of the COVID-19 pandemic and, for the first time, includes funding expressly available to states.”

To date, EPA has issued 24 WIFIA loans totaling $5.3 billion in credit assistance to help finance $11.7 billion for water infrastructure projects while creating 25,000 jobs—including eight WIFIA loans closed and one refinanced from March 2020 through June 2020. These recent loan closings will save ratepayers over $1 billion compared to typical bond financing while supporting the financial health of vital water systems. This financial support came at a critical time as the federal government, EPA and the water sector worked together to help mitigate the public health and financial impacts of COVID-19.

This announcement marks the fourth round of WIFIA funding. This year’s notice of funding availability prioritizes construction-ready projects in three areas: updating aging infrastructure; reducing exposure to lead and addressing emerging contaminants; and water reuse and recycling. The 2020 notice of funding availability builds upon the existing, active pipeline of WIFIA projects, which includes 49 projects in 19 states and D.C. For the first time, the agency will evaluate submitted projects using additional criteria that were developed to help clarify project and federal budgetary considerations. EPA will accept letters of interest from prospective WIFIA borrowers for 90 days after publication in the Federal Register.

EPA is also, for the first time, providing funds under SWIFIA. This new program, which was authorized by Congress as part of the America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) of 2018, offers low-interest loans to state water infrastructure programs (e.g., the State Revolving Funds) that then help finance needed water infrastructure projects in local communities. This round of funding will provide SWIFIA borrowers up to $1 billion to support $2 billion in water infrastructure projects. EPA will accept letters of interest from state water infrastructure programs for 60 days after publication in the Federal Register.


Established by the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act of 2014, the WIFIA program is a federal loan and guarantee program at EPA that aims to accelerate investment in the nation’s water infrastructure by providing long-term, low-cost supplemental loans for regionally and nationally significant projects.

WIFIA credit assistance can be used for a wide range of projects, including:

  • drinking water treatment and distribution projects;
  • wastewater conveyance and treatment projects;
  • enhanced energy efficiency projects at drinking water and wastewater facilities;
  • desalination, aquifer recharge, alternative water supply, and water recycling projects; and
  • drought prevention, reduction, or mitigation projects.

EPA will evaluate proposed projects described in the letters of interest using WIFIA’s statutory and regulatory criteria as described in the notice of funding availability. Through this competitive process, EPA will select projects that it intends to fund and invite them to continue the application process. 

For more information about WIFIA and this funding announcement, visit:

June 24, 2020 SRRTTF Zoom meeting

The next meeting of the Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force is:

Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Zoom meeting link: Please email for more information and to join

Meeting Documents:

0 – SRRTTF agenda_06242020
1 – SRRTTF Meeting Summary April 22, 2020
2a – 2020-05-31 ACE Commitment Report
2b – ACE Monthly Summary MAY 2020
3 – LongTermMonitoringUpdate_062420
4 – SRRTTF iPCB Road Paint Case Study Final_061720
5 – 20200617_SRRTTF-Revised MOA_Final DRAFT
5a – 20200617_MOA Edits Summary
6 – Future Meeting Topics – June 2020
7 – White Bluffs Support for SRRTTF Task 3 

June SRRTTF meetings and OECD workshop report

Hi all,

Here are upcoming SRRTTF and work group meetings for June:

June 3 – TSCA work group conference call at 10:00 am – call in number: (605) 313-5141, 723394#
June 3 – Fish Sampling Zoom meeting at 1:30 pm
June 9 – Education and Outreach work group remote meeting at 10:00 am
June 24 – Task Force Zoom meeting at 8:30 am
Contact for Zoom meeting information

Additionally, Doug Krapas with the TSCA work group asked me to share the following information because the file size was too large to email directly. Here is a report on the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Workshop on Improving Alignment of Chemicals and Waste Management Policy which occurred on February 3, 2020 at the OECD in Paris, France. It was organized by the Joint Meeting of the Chemicals Committee and Working Party on Chemicals, Pesticides and Biotechnology and the Working Party on Resource Productivity and Waste. OECD workshop Summary Record and List of OECD workshop Participants

May 21, 2020 Tech Track/Fish work group remote meeting

Dear TTWG and Fish WG Members,

LimnoTech is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Date and Time: May 21, 2020 10:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 948 8187 9726
One tap mobile
+17207072699,,94881879726# US
Dial by your location
+1 720 707 2699 US
Meeting ID: 948 8187 9726

Meeting Materials:

TTWG__FishWG agenda 5-21-20
Tech Track