May 28, 2014 Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting

Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting Announcement

Date: May 28, 2014
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Location: Spokane County Water Resource Center
1004 N. Freya Street
Spokane, WA 99202
Click here for a map

Call In Number: 800-704-9804
Participant Code: 34863442#

Please note, the conference call in number will remain open until 15 minutes until after the meeting begins. It will continue to remain open as long as there are callers on the line. If you wish to join the meeting by phone late, please notify Adriane Borgias ( ahead of time.

Meeting Documents
SRRTTF Meeting Summary 5-28-14
SRRTTF May 28 2014 DRAFT Agenda
SRRTTF RFP/RFQQ Timeline (revised 5-7-14)
Facilitation Scope and Budget FY15
DRAFT SRRTTF Letter of Support for the City of Spokane Integrated Plan
–  SRRTTF TTWG & Technical Update Notes

Presentations and Resource Materials
WQA for SRRTTF mtg 05-28-14
Transformer change out 5 28 14

SRRTTF Letter of Support for the City of Spokane Integrated Plan (Sent)
SRRTTF Support Letter (CoS Integrated CW Plan) Updated 5-28-14 FINAL
Email Cover Sheet: Letter from SRRTTF to Governor Inslee c/o David Postman
Email Cover Sheet: Letter from SRRTTF to Director Bellon

Immediately following the meeting, Dave Moss has graciously offered to give anyone interested a 30 minute walking tour of the new Spokane County Water Reclamation Facility. There’s no need to RSVP in advance. The only requirement is to wear durable closed toe walking shoes.


Overview of Proposed Process for Revisions To Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force (SRRTTF or Task Force) Memorandum of Agreement

As EPA draws nearer to finalizing the NPDES permits for the Idaho dischargers, the SRRTTF has indicated it will work to agree on any changes to its Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) needed to reflect the addition of EPA and the Idaho parties to the Task Force. The SRRTTF may also wish to edit the wording or adjust content of the MOA, e.g. to update it chronologically or revise its protocols.

In 2013, EPA reviewed the January 2012 signed MOA and provided comments to the SRRTTF via the Department of Ecology. The SRRTTF asked (at its January 2014 meeting) that the MOA with EPA’s requested edits be distributed for Task Force member consideration. After legal review by Task Force entities, the MOA (with EPA’s comments) was distributed to SRRTTF members for additional suggested edits. This was done considerably in advance of the finalization of the Idaho discharger permits in order to identify potential issues or conflicts that might need additional conversations to reconcile, and to allow time for that process to unfold. A representative from the Idaho discharger community has indicated that they would like to wait until after the Idaho permits are finalized to provide comments on the MOA.

At the April, 2014 SRRTTF meeting it was requested that the MOA with EPA’s comments and suggested edits from two Task Force member entities (City of Spokane and Spokane County) be distributed, along with this memo explaining the process. The MOA below shows comments from those three parties as of May 2014, and awaits the finalization of the Idaho permits and subsequent consideration by the full Task Force including prospective member entities.

–  SRRTTF MOA with EPA, City of Spokane, and Spokane County Comments May 2014

April 23, 2014 Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting

Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting Announcement

Date: April 23, 2014
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Location: Liberty Lake Sewer & Water District Office
22510 E. Mission Avenue
Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Click here for a map

Call In Number: 800-704-9804 Participant Code: 34863442#

Meeting Documents
SRRTTF Meeting Summary 4-23-14
SRRTTF April 23 2014 DRAFT Agenda (revised 4-17-14)
QAPP Draft 4-13-14
SAP Draft 4-14-14
 QAPP summarized comments 04142014 version
–  DRAFT SRRTTF Consultant RFQ
LimnoTech Confidence Testing Memo 4-7-14
Potential CEREO Research Topics
PCB Product Sample List Draft 4-16-14
Lab Bid Comparisons 4-16-14
SRRTTF RFP Timeline DRAFT 4-1-14
SRSP Request for Products Testing 4-17-2014

Spokane River Water Toxics Monitoring 2012-2013
Spokane River Fish Toxics Monitoring 2012
City of Spokane Integrated Plan PPT 4-22-14
Additional Information
2012 Fish Data Excel Spreadsheet

SSB 6086 | Thank You Message Template to Legislators

Per the request at the SRRTTF meeting on March 25, here is a template for a thank-you message to Senators Billig and Ericksen (email addresses below), co-sponsors of the state legislation that “Requires the Department of Enterprise Services to establish purchasing and procurement policies that provide for a preference for products and products in packaging that do not contain polychlorinated biphenyls.” More information on the bill >

NOTE: please consider tailoring the message to reflect your own (or your organization’s) style or tone or “voice” – identical messages are usually not as impactful as individual ones.

Dear Senator Billig/Ericksen,

On behalf of the ______________ (insert entity name) and the people and environment of the northwest, thank you for your leadership in getting SSB 6086 approved by the Washington state legislature. As active participants in the efforts of the Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force—an innovative group of diverse organizations collaborating and leading efforts to find and reduce PCBs and dioxins in the Spokane River and Lake Spokane—we recognize that this is an important step forward for our great state in addressing water quality, human health, and other vital issues.

March 26, 2014 Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting

Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting Announcement

Date: March 26, 2014
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Location: Spokane County Water Resource Center
1004 N. Freya Street
Spokane, WA 99202
Click here for a map

Call In Number: 800-704-9804 Participant Code: 34863442#

Please note, the conference call in number will remain open until 15 minutes until after the meeting begins. It will continue to remain open as long as there are callers on the line. If you wish to join the meeting by phone late, please notify Adriane Borgias ( ahead of time.

Meeting Documents
–  SRRTTF Meeting Summary 3-26-14
–  SRRTTF Draft Agenda 3-26-14
–  Measurable Progress Draft Definition DISCUSSION DRAFT 03262014
–  Measurable Progress Presentation 26 Mar 2014
–  PCBs in Consumer Products
–  RFQQ for Lab Services
–  RFQQ/RFP Timeline Draft 3-11-14

February 26, 2014 Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting

Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting Announcement

Date: February 26, 2014
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Location: Liberty Lake Sewer & Water District Office
22510 E. Mission Avenue
Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Click here for a map

Call In Number: 800-704-9804 Participant Code: 34863442#

Meeting Documents
–  SRRTTF Meeting Summary 2-26-14 Revised 3-21-14
–  SRRTTF Meeting Agenda DRAFT 2-26-14
–  SRRTTF LimnoTech Confidence Testing Memo 2-14-14
–  Sampling & Analysis Plan (SAP) DRAFT 2-12-14
–  Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) DRAFT 2-14-14
–  SRRTTF RFP Timeline DRAFT 2-6-14
–  Lab RFQQ for SRRTTF for approval_2202014
–  SRRTTF Keri Hornbuckle Letter Draft 2-19-14
SRRTTF Hornbuckle Letter Approved (email from ECY 2/7/2014)*FINAL”
–  Email from Keri Hornbuckle
–  LimnoTech Presentation 2-26-14



For Review: Draft SAP & QAPP

The Draft Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP), Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), and a draft memo on Confidence Limit Testing from LimnoTech is available for your review.  The first two documents are substantive, and you’ll need to set aside some time for review.  Limno Tech staff will be calling in to our SRRTTF meeting on Wednesday February 26th to provide an overview of these documents and answer any questions you have.  Please come to the meeting on the 26th prepared to discuss the material and utilize our Limno Tech resources.

–  SRRTTF LimnoTech Confidence Testing Memo 2-14-14
–  Sampling & Analysis Plan (SAP) DRAFT 2-12-14
–  Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) DRAFT 2-14-14

January 22, 2014 Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting

Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting Announcement

Date: January 22, 2014
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Location: Spokane County Water Resource Center
1004 N. Freya Street
Spokane, WA 99202
Click here for a map

Call In Number: 800-704-9804 Participant Code: 34863442#

Please note, the conference call in number will remain open until 15 minutes until after the meeting begins. It will continue to remain open as long as there are callers on the line. If you wish to join the meeting by phone late, please notify Adriane Borgias ( ahead of time.

Meeting Documents
SRRTTF Meeting Summary 1-22-14
SRRTTF Draft Agenda 1-22-14
SRRTTF Scope of Work – ACE and Ecology Contract DRAFT 1-10-14
SRRTTF RFPs Timeline DRAFT 1-15-14
Spokane River Hydrograph 1-15-14
SRRTTF 2013 Workshop Meeting Summary DRAFT
  SRRTTF 2013 Workshop Recommendations
LimnoTech Memo 7: Modeling Tools Review DRAFT 1-6-14
–  LimnoTech Memo 8: Data Collection Strategy DRAFT 1-6-14
SRRTTF Funding Opportunities Summary as of 1-15-14
SRRTTF Funding Concepts FINAL 6-12-13

 Link to Technical Consultant Status Page with Final Products

December 18, 2013 Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting

Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting Announcement

Date: December 18, 2013
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Location: Liberty Lake Sewer & Water District Office
22510 E. Mission Avenue
Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Click here for a map

Call In Number: 800-704-9804 Participant Code: 34863442#

Please note, the conference call in number will remain open until 15 minutes until after the meeting begins. It will continue to remain open as long as there are callers on the line. If you wish to join the meeting by phone late, please notify Adriane Borgias ( ahead of time.

Meeting Documents
–  SRRTTF Meeting Summary 12-18-13 DRAFT
–  SRRTTF Meeting Agenda DRAFT 12-18-13
–  Water Quality Improvement Project Proposals FY2015 (2)

November 20, 2013 Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting

Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting Announcement

Date: November 20, 2013
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Location: Spokane County Water Resource Center
1004 N. Freya Street
Spokane, WA 99202
Click here for a map

Call In Number: 800-704-9804 Participant Code: 34863442#

Please note, the conference call in number will remain open until 15 minutes until after the meeting begins. It will continue to remain open as long as there are callers on the line. If you wish to join the meeting by phone late, please notify Adriane Borgias ( ahead of time.

Meeting Documents
–  SRRTTF Meeting Summary 11-20-13
–  SRRTTF Draft Agenda 11-20-13 revised2
–  WSU Undergraduate Multidisciplinary Research Challenge (UMRC) Info Brief
–  WSU Saving the Spokane River – Undergraduate Challenge (UMRC) PPT
–  Department of Ecology EAP Requests FY2015
–  Assessment of PCB in Groundwater submitted FY2014
–  Assessment of Aerial Deposition submitted FY2014
–  Combined Comments from Ecology Measurable Progress Listening Sessions
–  Measurable Progress Presentation
–  SRRTTF LT Task 8 – Initial Monitoring Strategy 10-15-13
–  SRRTTF LT GIS Database Scope Of Work
–  SRRTTF Workshop Agenda & Sessions Packet 11-13-13

Link to Technical Consultant Status Page with Final Work Products

ArcGIS Map
–  Study Locations & Results from SRRTTF database Web ArcGIS Map