“Spokane River PCBs and other Toxics Long Term Monitoring at the Spokane Tribal Boundary” Draft Quality Assurance Project Plan available for review and comment by April 23, 2015

Ecology’s Environmental Assessment Program is requesting comments from the Task Force on the draft Quality Assurance Plan (QAPP). Please review the Draft QAPP and submit comments to Brandee Era-Miller via email (BERA461@ecy.wa.gov) or phone (360-407-6771) as soon as possible and no later than April 23, 2015.

DRAFT QAPP“Spokane River PCBs and other Toxics, Long Term Monitoring at the Spokane Tribal Boundary”

April 22, 2015 Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting

Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting Announcement

The next meeting of the Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force is:

Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Liberty Lake Sewer & Water District Office
22510 E. Mission Avenue Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Click here for a map

Call In Number: 800-704-9804
Participant Code: 34863442#

Please note, the conference call in number will remain open until 15 minutes until after the meeting begins. It will continue to remain open as long as there are callers on the line. If you wish to join the meeting by phone late, please notify Adriane Borgias (abor461@ecy.wa.gov) ahead of time.

Meeting Documents
 SRRTTF 4-22-2015 Meeting Summary DRAFT
 SRRTTF April 22 2015 Agenda_DRAFT
Meeting Summaries for Review
 SRRTTF 3.25.15 Summary Notes DRAFT for Task Force Review
SRRTTF 4.1.15 Technical Track Work Group DRAFT summary notes
 Flow Wrkgrp Meeting Summary 04.08.15
 Education and Outreach Team 4.1.15 Summary Notes
PCBs and Products
 Darin Rice Presentation_PCBs in products for Spokane
Education and Outreach
SRRTTF Education and Outreach Resources_Vision_ed and outreach work_action items

Groundwater Sampling/Analysis at/near Kaiser Plant
– Groundwater Presentation 4.22.15 SRRTTF
Ecology Toxics Cleanup Program Sites near Spokane River
  Map of current and past sites (revised)
  Spreadsheet of current and past sites


Lake Roosevelt Forum April 21 & 22, 2015 The Davenport Hotel Spokane, Washington

The Lake Roosevelt Forum Conference has a session of particular interest to Spokane River Toxics Task Force and DO TMDL participants. Entitled “WA State Proposals to Reduce Toxic Pollution and Update Surface Water Quality Standards,” it’s from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. on April 22 at the Davenport Hotel. For those interested in attending only this session, there will be no conference registration or fee required. Simply go to the Porter Room at the Davenport on Wednesday, April 22.

Two senior Ecology people, Kelly Susewind and Darin Rice, will present at the session. Kelly will provide updates on public comments and standing of updating water quality standards and the fish consumption rate. Darin will review legislative status of Governor Inslee’s toxics initiative. Rick Eichstaedt will provide perspectives from EPA, NGOs, etc.

For full conference information, including agenda and speakers, go to http://www.lrf.org/conference

Data Management Workgroup, April 8, 2015

The data management workgroup will meet at the Department of Ecology

Wednesday April 8 from 10 – 12.

Conference call in number 1 800 704 9804

Participant 34863442#

SRRTTF Data Management Workgroup Notes rev041615

Draft Agenda DMWG April 8 2015

DRBC Data Management Presentation

EQuIS Website

Ecology EIM

SFEI Regional Data Center

Comparison of Data Management Systems Revised 04 09 2015

QAPP/SAP for PCB characterization of Spokane Regional Vactor Waste Decant Facilities available for review

The Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) and Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) for the PCB Characterization of Spokane’s Regional Vactor Waste Decant Facilities is completed and available for review.

The Task Force team working on this project has reviewed the the QAPP/SAP and given their approval.  If you have any questions concerning the project please contact Jeff Donovan (jdonavan@spokanecity.org).

April 1st, 2015 Technical Track Work Group Meeting

Spokane River Regional Task Force
Technical Track Work Group Meeting

Date: April 1st, 2015
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: Washington Department of Ecology
N. 4601 Monroe St.
Spokane, WA 99205

Click here for a map.

Call In Number: 800-704-9804 Participant Code: 34863442#

Meeting Documents
–  Tech Track WG 4.1.15 Draft Meeting Notes
–  Tech Track WG Agenda 04-01-15 Revised DRAFT
–  Gravity High Volume Sampler Notes 03-06-15


March 25, 2015 Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting

Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting Announcement

The next meeting of the Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force is:

Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Location: Spokane County Water Resource Center
1004 N. Freya Street
Spokane, WA 99202

Click here for a map

Call In Number: 800-704-9804
Participant Code: 34863442#

Please note, the conference call in number will remain open until 15 minutes until after the meeting begins. It will continue to remain open as long as there are callers on the line. If you wish to join the meeting by phone late, please notify Adriane Borgias (abor461@ecy.wa.gov) ahead of time.

Meeting Documents
 SRRTTF Mar.25.2015 Agenda_DRAFT 2 updated 3.19.15
 Order Sierra Club et al v McLerran et al
 Spokesman Review Article, 3.17.15 “Judge orders state to set PCB discharge limits for Spokane River”
Meeting Summaries
 SRRTTF 3.25.15 Summary Notes DRAFT
–  SRRTTF 2 25 15 meeting summary_DRAFT
 Tech Track WG feb 4 2015 Summary Notes

MOA Work Group Update
 SRRTTF-MOA-3.18.15_Version-9.1Decision, send for legal review?
 Link To MOA Work Group Meeting summaries and MOA Versions

TTWG Update and Task Force Pilot Projects Information

 TTWG update 3.18.15
 SWAT Team updates
 Hydroseed Pilot Project Workplan Decision

Hatchery Operations and Fish Tissue Information
 Fish Tissue/Hatchery information from Avista-USFWS-SpokaneTribe compiled
  Spokane Hatchery Fact Sheet
 USFW National FH PCB study Pacific 2012
 Ecology fish hatchery study PCBs 2006



March 18, 2015 Memorandum of Agreement Work Group Meeting

Spokane River Regional Task Force
Memorandum of Agreement Work Group Meeting

Date: March 18th, 2015
Time: 10:00 pm. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: Washington Department of Ecology
N. 4601 Monroe St.
Spokane, WA 99205

Click here for a map.

Call In Number: 800-704-9804 Participant Code: 34863442#

Details on Webinar to follow by email.

Meeting Documents

Task Force and Ruckelshaus Center to present at Washington State University Academic Showcase

Great News! The Ruckelshaus Center has successfully submitted an abstract titled ” Collaboration to Reduce Toxic Pollution in the Spokane River” to the Washington State University Academic Showcase.

The Showcase is an annual tradition of the University that showcases the work of students, faculty and staff at the University. The approved Task Force posters will be used for the presentation.  Any Task Force members that would like to attend or help out, please coordinate with Kara Whitman (kmwhitman@wsu.edu).

The Academic Showcase Details:

Date:  March 27th, 2015

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Location: M.G. Carey Senior Ballroom, Compton Union Building, Washington State University, Pullman Washington.
