Comments Requested on City Parcel Work Plan

Extended Investigation Proposed at City Parcel Site

The Washington State Department of Ecology proposes to extend soil investigations at the City Parcel site to look at potential contamination along the northern fence line.

Confirmational sampling conducted during previous environmental work at the site indicated there is residual soil contamination under the surface along the fence line in this area.

The site is located at 708 North Cook Street in the City of Spokane, Spokane County, Washington.

You are invited to:

  • Review the draft Work Plan for the proposed sampling and
    supplemental investigation along with the SEPA checklist and
  • Send your comments to Huckleberry Palmer at Ecology for

Comments will be accepted May 26 through June 24, 2014.

Click Here to view Fact Sheet with more information.


May 28, 2014 Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting

Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting Announcement

Date: May 28, 2014
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Location: Spokane County Water Resource Center
1004 N. Freya Street
Spokane, WA 99202
Click here for a map

Call In Number: 800-704-9804
Participant Code: 34863442#

Please note, the conference call in number will remain open until 15 minutes until after the meeting begins. It will continue to remain open as long as there are callers on the line. If you wish to join the meeting by phone late, please notify Adriane Borgias ( ahead of time.

Meeting Documents
SRRTTF Meeting Summary 5-28-14
SRRTTF May 28 2014 DRAFT Agenda
SRRTTF RFP/RFQQ Timeline (revised 5-7-14)
Facilitation Scope and Budget FY15
DRAFT SRRTTF Letter of Support for the City of Spokane Integrated Plan
–  SRRTTF TTWG & Technical Update Notes

Presentations and Resource Materials
WQA for SRRTTF mtg 05-28-14
Transformer change out 5 28 14

SRRTTF Letter of Support for the City of Spokane Integrated Plan (Sent)
SRRTTF Support Letter (CoS Integrated CW Plan) Updated 5-28-14 FINAL
Email Cover Sheet: Letter from SRRTTF to Governor Inslee c/o David Postman
Email Cover Sheet: Letter from SRRTTF to Director Bellon

Immediately following the meeting, Dave Moss has graciously offered to give anyone interested a 30 minute walking tour of the new Spokane County Water Reclamation Facility. There’s no need to RSVP in advance. The only requirement is to wear durable closed toe walking shoes.


May 21, 2014 Administrative and Contracting Entity meeting

The next meeting of the Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Administrative and Contracting Entity (ACE) is:

Date: May 21, 2014

Time: 9:00 a.m
Location: Spokane County Water Resource Center
1004 N. Freya Street
Spokane, WA 99202

Draft ACE Meeting Agenda 052114

Click here for a map

Proposed agenda: contracts and contract amendments

All ACE meetings are open to the public.

Technical Consultant Final Work Products

Selected LimnoTech Final Work Products

Task 2: Data Request Memo_2013_Apr17

Task 3: SOP and QAPP review_Jun28_2013

Task 4: Data Gathering Status_2013_Aug _30_final

Task 5: Data Review Memo_2013_Aug30_final

Task 6: Conceptual Model Memo_2013_Nov14

Task 6: Identification of Data Gaps Memo_2013_Nov14

Task 7: Model Review Memo_2014_Feb_4_final

Task 8: Monitoring Strategy_2014_Feb4

Task 9: Confidence Testing_2014_April_07 (Draft)

For the complete set of deliverables and final products please go to the Technical Consultant Activities Page.

May 7, 2014 Technical Track Work Group Meeting

Spokane River Regional Task Force
Technical Track Work Group Meeting

Date: May 7, 2014
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: Washington Department of Ecology
N. 4601 Monroe St.
Spokane, WA 99205

Click here for a map.

Call In Number: 800-704-9804 Participant Code: 34863442#

Meeting Documents
SRRTTF May 7 TTWG Mtg Summary
Tech Track WG DRAFT Agenda 5-7-14
SRRTTF-ACE Spec 2 Draft Rev 0 042214
  Trans Letter for RFP 4-25-14
  Exhibit A Spec 2 Draft 042214
  QAPP Checklist
  Spokane SAP DRAFT 5-6-14
–  QAPP Draft 5-6-14
–  SRRTTF RFP Timeline DRAFT 4-1-14
–  SAP Appendix B Samples-2014

DRAFT RFP Packet Materials
Criteria 5-6-14
Exhibit A Spec 2 Draft 4-22-14
SRRTTF-ACE Spec 2 Draft Rev 0 4-22-14
Trans Letter for RFP 4-25-14

May 7, 2014 Administrative and Contracting Entity meeting

The next meeting of the Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Administrative and Contracting Entity (ACE) is:

Date: May 7, 2014
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Location: Spokane County Water Resource Center
1004 N. Freya Street
Spokane, WA 99202

Click here for a map

ACE Meeting Agenda 050714

ACE Meeting Minutes for 5-7-14

All ACE meetings are open to the public.

April 23, 2014 Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting

Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting Announcement

Date: April 23, 2014
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Location: Liberty Lake Sewer & Water District Office
22510 E. Mission Avenue
Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Click here for a map

Call In Number: 800-704-9804 Participant Code: 34863442#

Meeting Documents
SRRTTF Meeting Summary 4-23-14
SRRTTF April 23 2014 DRAFT Agenda (revised 4-17-14)
QAPP Draft 4-13-14
SAP Draft 4-14-14
 QAPP summarized comments 04142014 version
–  DRAFT SRRTTF Consultant RFQ
LimnoTech Confidence Testing Memo 4-7-14
Potential CEREO Research Topics
PCB Product Sample List Draft 4-16-14
Lab Bid Comparisons 4-16-14
SRRTTF RFP Timeline DRAFT 4-1-14
SRSP Request for Products Testing 4-17-2014

Spokane River Water Toxics Monitoring 2012-2013
Spokane River Fish Toxics Monitoring 2012
City of Spokane Integrated Plan PPT 4-22-14
Additional Information
2012 Fish Data Excel Spreadsheet

Reminder: Comments Requested by April 7, 2014

This is a final reminder for comments on the following

These documents will be finalized by the QAPP/SAP focus group on April 9, 2014.

Supplementary information that will also be reviewed on April 9, 2014:

SRRTTF-ACE SRRTTF ACE Specification #1 04032014
SRRTTF ACE Specification #1 Exhibit A 04032014
SRRTTF ACE Specification #1 Exhibit B 04032014
Specification Question Summary 04032014

Comments Received:

Comments Received from TetraTech February 27-2014
SAP QAPP Comments received as of March 6, 2014
IDEQ Comments on the February 14, 2014 Draft SRRTTF QAPP and SAP
IDEQ QAPP Approval Checklist
IDEQ Procedures for Decontamination of Monitoring Equipment
Ecology Invasive Weeds SOP
Comments Received from EPA April 3, 2014
Delaware Basin Procedures for PCB Monitoring of Discharges
Ecology Hydrolab, DataSonde and MiniSonde SOP
NCASI Comments on Draft LimnoTech Documents


April 2, 2014 Technical Track Work Group Meeting

Spokane River Regional Task Force
Technical Track Work Group Meeting

Date: April 2, 2014
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: Washington Department of Ecology
N. 4601 Monroe St.
Spokane, WA 99205

Click here for a map.

Comments on the revised SAP/QAPP are due by 10am on 4/2/14 to Bud Leber ( and Adriane Borgias (

Call In Number: 800-704-9804 Participant Code: 34863442#

Meeting Documents
SRRTTF April 2 TTWG Mtg Summary
Tech Track WG DRAFT Agenda 4-2-14 (revised 4/1)
–  QAPP Draft 3-24-14
SAP Draft 3-24-14
SRRTTF RFP Timeline DRAFT Revised 4-1-14
Lab RFQQ for SRRTTF 3-31-2014 revised
Specification Question Summary
Draft Tech Memo Spokane FY13 Toxics 3-31-14 (PDF)
Draft Tech Memo Spokane FY13 Toxics 3-31-14 (Word)
Exhibit A Rev 1 3-31-14 kf edits
Exhibit B Rev 1 3-31-14 kf edits
  SRRTTF-ACE Spec 1 Rev 1 03-31-14 kf edits