December 4th, 2014: MOA Work Group Meeting Announcement

The first meeting of the Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Work Group is: 

Date: Thursday, December 4th, 2014
Time: 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Location: Washington Department of Ecology
N. 4601 Monroe St.
Spokane, WA 99205

Click here for a map

Please review the track changes version of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) below.

This meeting will be used to set the scope of work for the MOA revisions, schedule future MOA work group meetings, and begin to work through edits received to date.
All MOA work group participants are encouraged to attend in person; however if you need to participate by conference call please use the following access code:

Call In Number: 800-704-9804
Participant Code: 34863442#

Meeting Documents:
–  MOA workgroup 12 4 14 Meeting DRAFT summary notes
– SRRTTF-MOA_EPA_City-Spokane_Spokane-Co _Riverkeeper comments November 2014
 SRRTTF-MOA_Track Changes Version- May 2014
Letters to Tribes:
 Chairman Boyd 11.14.14
 Chairman Allan 11.14.14
 Chairman Peone 11.14.14
 Chairman Nenema 11.14.14

December 3, 2014: Technical Track Work Group Meeting

Spokane River Regional Task Force
Technical Track Work Group Meeting

Date: December  3rd, 2014
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: Washington Department of Ecology
N. 4601 Monroe St.
Spokane, WA 99205

Click here for a map.

Call In Number: 800-704-9804 Participant Code: 34863442#

Meeting Documents
–  SRRTTF Tech Track Work Group summary notes 12 3 14_ Draft for Task Force Review
Tech Track WG Agenda 12-03-14 draft
Summary of EAP Projects Requested


EAP Topics Information:
Statewide Atmospheric Deposition 12-9-14 work plan memo 
 Statewide PCB Michigan TMDL (This TMDL uses air deposition in the allocation)
–  Persistent Organic Pollutants in Feed and Rainbow Trout From Selected Trout Hatcheries

Workshop Documents
 Jan 2015 SRRTTF Workshop agenda 11-25-14
 Workshop Planning Document Analytical Session Final 11-24-14
  Workshop Planning Document Sampling Session Final 11-24-14
  Workshop Planning Document Mass Balance and Statistics Session Final 11-24-14
  Workshop Planning Document Where to Session Final 11-24-14
  Invitees 12-03-14

November 17th, 2014 Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting

Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting Announcement

The next meeting of the Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force is:

Date: Monday, November 17, 2014
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Location: Spokane County Water Resource Center
1004 N. Freya Street
Spokane, WA 99202

Click here for a map

Call In Number: 800-704-9804
Participant Code: 34863442#

Please note, the conference call in number will remain open until 15 minutes until after the meeting begins. It will continue to remain open as long as there are callers on the line. If you wish to join the meeting by phone late, please notify Adriane Borgias ( ahead of time.

Supporting documents for the meeting are posted below.   There will be a decision on the composition of the MOA Work Group at this meeting. All stakeholder groups are asked to provide 1 (or 2 if needed) participants to the Work Group.  Also, please send any comments/revisions to the MOA to Chris Page ( or bring to the Task Force meeting. For more information on the MOA revisions process, new signatory process, and to access the Track Changes version of the MOA go to the October 24th, 2014 announcement.

Meeting Documents
–  SRRTTF 11 17 14 Meeting Notes-DRAFT version
SRRTTF Nov 17 2014 Agenda_DRAFT
–  SRRTTF 10 22 14 Meeting Summary DRAFT
Technical Documents
Gravity Documents:
Gravity Sampling Field Report
–  SPK Report Tables DRAFT
January 2015 Toxics Workshop
 Jan 2015 SRRTTF Workshop agenda 11-10-14
Workshop Session Documents: updated 11-17-14
–  Workshop-Planning-Document-Analytical-Session Draft of 111114
–  Workshop-Planning-Document-Sampling-Session Draft of 111114 v2
–  Workshop-Planning-Document-Mass-Balance-and-Statistics Session Draft of 111114 v2
–  Workshop-Planning-Document-Where-to-Session Draft of 111114 v 2
MOA Documents: Letters Sent to Tribes from Department of Ecology
Chairman Nenema 11.14.14
 Chairman Peone 11.14.14
 Chairman Allan 11.14.14
 Chairman Boyd 11.14.14
 SRRTTF_LimnoTech Presentation 11_17_2014b


November 3, 2014 Administrative and Contracting Entity Meeting

The next meeting of the Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Administrative and Contracting Entity (ACE) is:

Date: November 3, 2014
Time: 9 am – noon
Location: Spokane County Water Resource Center (Confirmed)

1004 N. Freya Street
Spokane, WA 99202

Click here for a map

ACE Meeting Agenda 110314

ACE Meeting Minutes for 11-3-14

ACE By-Laws

All ACE meetings are open to the public.

October 22, 2014 Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting

Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting Announcement

Date: October 22, 2014 Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Liberty Lake Sewer & Water District Office
22510 E. Mission Avenue Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Click here for a map

Call In Number: 800-704-9804 Participant Code: 34863442#

Meeting Documents
– SRRTTF 10 22 14 Meeting Summary FINAL
 SRRTTF October 22 2014 Agenda_revised2
  SRRTTF 09-24-14 Summary_for approval 10-22-14

Outreach Documents:
SRRTTF Funding Fact Sheet 02-27-13 (Approved)
–  SRRTTF_KeyMessages_v3

Toxics Workshop Documents (2015 Spokane River Toxics Workshop)
 Jan 2015 SRRTTF Workshop agenda_draft

– PCB related cleanup at Trentwood_Kaiser Presentation

October 1st, 2014 : Technical Track Work Group Meeting

Spokane River Regional Task Force
Technical Track Work Group Meeting

Date: Oct, 1 2014
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: Washington Department of Ecology
N. 4601 Monroe St.
Spokane, WA 99205

Click here for a map.

Call In Number: 800-704-9804 Participant Code: 34863442#

Meeting Documents
–  SRRTTF TTWG_Summary notes 10.1.14 Final
Tech Track WG Agenda 10-01-14
 2014 Workshop Purpose Statement
 Planning Document Analytical Session
 Workshop Planning Document Sampling Session
 Workshop Planning Document Mass Balance and Statistics
 Planning Document Where to Session
 Planning input_SRRTTF Jan. workshop
QC and blanks Background Information

September 24th, 2014 Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting

Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Meeting Announcement

Date: September 24th, 2014
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Location: Spokane County Water Resource Center
1004 N. Freya Street
Spokane, WA 99202

Click here for a map

Call In Number: 800-704-9804
Participant Code: 34863442#

Meeting Documents
–  SRRTTF-09-24-14-Summary_Final
 SRRTTF Sept 24 2014 Draft Agenda
  PCB Workshop Proposal 9-15-14
  SRRTTF-January Workshop Planning input_revised 9-25-14
 Measurable Progress – SRSP PCB reduction activities _short form 9-9-2014
  Task Force Op-Ed 9-24-2014 SRRTTF approved *Final
  SRRTTF Communications Work Group proposal 9-10-14 draft
 Columbia River Fund letter 09.29.14 *Final

 Spokane County Toxics Manag. Summary Annual Report April 2014_Presentation
 Draft PCB Chemical Action Plan Presentation_Holly Davies

September 15th Administrative and Contracting Entity Meeting

The next meeting of the Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force Administrative and Contracting Entity (ACE) is:

Date: September 15, 2014

Time: 9:00 a.m – 12:00 noon
Location: Spokane County Water Resource Center
1004 N. Freya Street
Spokane, WA 99202

Click here for a map.

Click here for a proposed agenda.

ACE Meeting Minutes for 9-15-14

All ACE meetings are open to the public.

September 3, 2014: Technical Track Work Group Meeting

Spokane River Regional Task Force
Technical Track Work Group Meeting

Date: Sept, 3 2014
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: Washington Department of Ecology
N. 4601 Monroe St.
Spokane, WA 99205

Click here for a map.

Call In Number: 800-704-9804 Participant Code: 34863442#

Meeting Documents
– SRRTTF TTWG 09-03-14 meeting notes_Final draft
Tech Track WG Agenda 09-03-14
  Planning input_SRRTTF Jan. workshop


Draft PCB Chemical Action Plan

Opportunity to Comment

The Department of Ecology (Ecology) invites you to comment on the Draft Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) Chemical Action Plan (CAP). We will accept comments by mail, fax, or email August 6 – October 6, 2014.

Comments must be received by 5 p.m. October 6, 2014.

Two public meetings to share information and answer questions will take place:

Date: September 15, 2014
Time: 10 a.m.
Place: Ecology Headquarters and via internet webinar
300 Desmond Dr., Lacey, WA 98504
Click here to register for the webinar.
or visit

Date: September 24, 2014
Time: 4 p.m.
Place: Ecology Eastern Regional Office
4601 North Monroe St., Spokane, WA 99205

PCB Chemical Action Plan
Reducing toxic threats is one of Ecology’s priorities. Under the Persistent, Bioaccumulative Toxics (PBT) Initiative, Ecology seeks to reduce toxic threats from chemicals such as Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs).
The PCB Chemical Action Plan (CAP) is a plan that identifies, characterizes and evaluates uses and releases of PCBs and recommends actions to protect human health and the environment.
This PCB CAP estimates releases of PCBs from various sources to air, land, and water. It also describes the physical and chemical properties of PCBs and why they are considered toxic to humans and other organisms. The recommendations are a set of actions to reduce and phase out uses, releases, and exposures in Washington, in consideration of current management approaches. An economic analysis on the cost of recommendations is also included.

Click Here for more information.

Related Information

Click Here to access the Department of Ecology Report, Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in General Consumer Products, Publication No. 14-04-035, June 2014.